Mansi Khanna: Leading AI Transformation in Marketing at Google India


Mansi Khanna stands at the forefront of a pivotal shift in digital marketing. As Head of Ads Marketing, Large Customers, and SMBs at Google India, she embodies innovation and leadership in the era of AI. Her recent insights shared at #GoogleMarketingLive underscore her profound impact on the industry landscape.

Mansi Khanna’s vision for AI in marketing is both visionary and pragmatic. At a recent gathering of top marketing leaders across multiple cities in India, including Udaipur, Delhi, Bengaluru, and Mumbai, Mansi Khanna orchestrated a dialogue that resonated with the pulse of the industry. The event wasn’t just a convergence of minds; it was a testament to her commitment to leveraging AI for transformative marketing strategies.

The discussions at #GoogleMarketingLive revolved around the disruptive potential of AI in advertising. Mansi Khanna, in her element, emphasized that AI is no longer a novelty but a powerful tool driving tangible business outcomes. “The future of marketing,” Mansi Khanna reiterated, “lies in embracing AI to not just understand consumer behavior but to predict and shape it.”

Among the luminaries present, Mansi Khanna facilitated conversations with thought leaders like Benedict Evans, whose insights on AI’s pervasive influence were eye-opening. She also highlighted innovations spearheaded by Google, particularly in search and YouTube, where AI is revolutionizing user engagement and enhancing ROI for advertisers.

Reflecting on the event, Mansi Khanna shared, “We are witnessing a paradigm shift where AI is not just augmenting but redefining marketing strategies.” Her enthusiasm was palpable as she discussed Google’s latest advancements, such as advertising on Circle with Search and leveraging Google Lens for enhanced consumer interactions.

One of the standout moments was Mansi Khanna’s interaction with Pullela Gopichand, where they drew parallels between leadership in sports and innovation in AI-driven marketing. “Leadership,” Mansi Khanna mused, “requires a blend of vision and adaptability—qualities that resonate deeply in the dynamic AI landscape.”

For marketers, Mansi Khanna outlined three crucial takeaways: first, the imperative to move beyond AI’s potential to its practical implementation; second, the transformative impact of AI on user engagement across platforms like Circle and YouTube; and third, the game-changing innovations in Google Ads that promise unprecedented levels of precision and efficiency.

The event underscored Mansi Khanna’s leadership in breaking barriers and fostering excellence within her team. She credited her core team for their relentless pursuit of innovation and excellence. “It’s their dedication,” Mansi Khanna emphasized, “that propels us forward in pioneering AI-driven marketing solutions.”

Looking ahead, Mansi Khanna remains steadfast in her commitment to pushing the boundaries of AI’s applications in marketing. Her message to marketers is clear: “Embrace AI with an experimental mindset. It’s not just about adopting new technologies but about redefining what’s possible.”

Mansi Khanna’s impact on the marketing landscape is profound and far-reaching. Through her leadership at Google India, she not only champions AI’s transformative potential but also inspires a new generation of marketers to embrace innovation fearlessly. As AI continues to evolve, Mansi Khanna stands as a beacon, guiding the industry towards a future where creativity, data-driven insights, and technological prowess converge to redefine marketing excellence.


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