Dr Deepa Shree: Finding Balance Amidst Celebrations


Dr Deepa Shree, HOD of Interventional Radiology at Rela Hospital, reflects on the significance of Doctors’ Day amidst the modern-day inundation of wishes and celebrations. Her recent LinkedIn post delves into navigating the fine line between appreciation and overwhelm during these annual tributes.

In her introspective post, Dr Deepa Shree acknowledges the growing trend of celebrating special days like Doctors’ Day, driven largely by social media’s pervasive influence. “As doctors,” she muses, “we often find ourselves flooded with heartfelt wishes on occasions like Doctors’ Day. While the sentiment behind each message is deeply appreciated, the sheer volume can sometimes feel overwhelming.”

Dr Deepa Shree offers practical insights on how to navigate this influx of messages without succumbing to stress. Her first suggestion is to appreciate the effort behind each message—a reminder that each wish represents someone taking the time to acknowledge and celebrate the contributions of medical professionals like herself.

Changing perspectives is another key strategy she advocates. Viewing these messages not as individual obligations but as a collective show of support can transform the experience into one of gratitude and communal celebration. “It’s about embracing the positivity and collective goodwill that these messages bring,” she emphasizes.

One of the liberating pieces of advice Dr Deepa Shree shares is not to stress about replying to every single message. She reassures fellow doctors and recipients of well-wishes that it’s perfectly acceptable to prioritize and respond selectively. This approach, she believes, helps in managing the emotional burden that can accompany such occasions.

Embracing each wish with an open heart is another takeaway from her post. Dr Deepa Shree encourages recipients to welcome every message as an opportunity for unexpected joy or connection—a sentiment that underscores the power of positivity in fostering meaningful interactions.

Addressing the skeptics who question the focus on a single day of celebration, Dr Deepa Shree posits that these occasions serve as concentrated bursts of positivity and gratitude. They shine a light on the tireless efforts and dedication of doctors throughout the year, amplifying awareness and appreciation within communities.

For Dr Deepa Shree, these celebrations are akin to bursts of sunshine, brightening the lives of recipients and strengthening the bonds of appreciation and connection. She encourages her peers to embrace these moments with joy and a balanced perspective, recognizing their significance in fostering camaraderie and collective goodwill.

Dr Deepa Shree’s reflections on Doctors’ Day offer a thoughtful perspective on navigating the complexities of celebration and acknowledgment in the digital age. Her insights resonate not just with doctors but with anyone who experiences the dual emotions of gratitude and overwhelm during special occasions. As she continues to lead in her field at Rela Hospital, Dr Deepa Shree’s words serve as a reminder to appreciate the collective gestures of support and to find balance amidst the flurry of well-intentioned messages. Her leadership and insights exemplify a compassionate approach to both medicine and life, grounded in empathy and a deep appreciation for human connection.


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