Yvonne Carey: Transforming Dreams into Reality with Transferable Skills


Yvonne Carey, the GM and Co-Founder of the Carey Farm, embodies the essence of resilience, adaptability, and the power of transferable skills. In a recent LinkedIn post, Yvonne Carey shared her inspiring journey, underscoring the importance of mindset change and the recognition of skills we often undervalue. Her story is a powerful reminder that we are often more capable than we realize and that with determination and the right mindset, we can achieve our dreams.

Yvonne Carey begins by acknowledging a common barrier many face: the belief that we cannot achieve something simply because we have not formally done it before. She challenges this notion by reflecting on her own experiences. Despite never having run a business, Yvonne Carey has successfully managed a household, planned out a career, invested money, managed real estate investments, and had a successful career. These are not just life experiences but a suite of skills that are incredibly relevant and transferable to running a business.

One of the most compelling points Yvonne Carey makes is about the power of recognizing and harnessing these transferable skills. She encourages us to stop telling ourselves that we can’t do something when, in reality, we are already doing it in different contexts. This mindset shift is crucial. By understanding that skills such as budgeting, planning, management, and investment are applicable across various fields, we can broaden our horizons and unlock new opportunities.

Yvonne Carey’s journey with her husband to create the Carey Farm is a testament to this philosophy. Seven years ago, they purchased a property with the dream of creating a hobby farm. Over the years, they meticulously planned and plotted their path, utilizing all their transferable skills to bring their vision to life. Yvonne Carey emphasizes that the process was not easy and often felt like a roller coaster. There were times when they questioned if they truly wanted to pursue this challenging path. However, their determination and commitment to their dream kept them moving forward.

In her post, Yvonne Carey shares a critical lesson about perseverance and staying true to one’s goals and identity. She acknowledges that life can be surprising, tough, and exciting all in the same day. This mix of emotions is part of the journey. There were moments when taking a step back seemed necessary, but Yvonne Carey reassures us that it is okay to pause and regroup. The important thing is to keep moving and not lose sight of the bigger picture.

The Carey Farm is not just a business venture; it is a manifestation of Yvonne Carey’s and her husband’s shared dream. It represents their commitment to living their best life and staying true to what they want to achieve. Yvonne Carey’s story is a powerful reminder that dreams are worth pursuing, even when the path is uncertain and fraught with challenges.

Moreover, Yvonne Carey highlights the importance of mindset change in achieving our goals. She urges us not to let our heads get in the way of our dreams. Often, self-doubt and underestimation of our abilities can be the biggest obstacles. By shifting our mindset and recognizing our capabilities, we can overcome these barriers. Yvonne Carey’s journey is a testament to the fact that with the right mindset, we can achieve what we set out to do.

Yvonne Carey’s success with the Carey Farm also underscores the value of planning and preparation. The seven years of planning and plotting were crucial in transforming their dream into reality. This long-term vision and meticulous planning are lessons that can be applied to any venture. Whether it’s starting a new business, changing careers, or pursuing a personal project, careful planning and preparation are key to success.

In addition to her personal insights, Yvonne Carey’s post resonates with the broader message of living one’s best life. She encourages us to stay true to who we are and what we want to do. This authenticity is essential in achieving true success. By aligning our actions with our values and dreams, we can create a life that is fulfilling and meaningful.

Yvonne Carey’s journey from managing a household and real estate investments to co-founding the Carey Farm is a powerful example of how transferable skills and the right mindset can transform dreams into reality. Her story is an inspiration to all who doubt their abilities or feel overwhelmed by the challenges ahead. Yvonne Carey reminds us that we are often more capable than we realize and that with perseverance, planning, and a positive mindset, we can achieve our goals and live our best lives.


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