Bodhisatwa Dasgupta: A Reflective Leader with a Passion for the Little Things


Bodhisatwa Dasgupta, Founder and Intern at The Voice Company and Resident Trainer at Copywriting With Bo, recently celebrated his 41st birthday with a heartfelt reflection on life and the lessons he’s learned over the years. His introspective post on LinkedIn offers a glimpse into the mind of a leader who values simplicity, authenticity, and continuous growth.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s birthday this year was a departure from the usual celebratory indulgence. Instead of the usual revelry, he chose to spend the day in a quiet, reflective manner with those dearest to him. This shift, he muses, might be due to age or simply a newfound appreciation for the little things in life.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s appreciation for the small moments is evident in his recounting of birthday highlights. His best friend’s visit from Hong Kong, his wife’s gift of an earthen pot from Kerala, and his mother’s hand-beaten copper vessel all hold significant meaning for him. These thoughtful gestures symbolize the deeper connections and cherished memories that he values more with each passing year.

In addition to these treasured moments, Bodhisatwa Dasgupta also shares his joy in observing his daughter’s growing creativity, as seen in her increasingly colorful and detailed cards. These simple pleasures remind him of the importance of family, friendship, and the beauty of everyday life.

A particularly interesting aspect of Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s reflection is his growing habit of self-conversation. He humorously notes that he talks to himself more often now, not in a schizophrenic way, but as a means of self-encouragement, self-discipline, and self-reflection. This practice of internal dialogue allows him to stay grounded, motivated, and in touch with his own thoughts and feelings.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta then transitions to share some valuable life lessons he’s learned over the past year. These insights offer a glimpse into his philosophy and approach to life:

Be VERY careful of who you call your friend. This underscores the importance of surrounding oneself with genuine, trustworthy people.

Don’t take the world so seriously. A reminder to find joy and humor even in difficult situations.

Unless people are paying your rent, they shouldn’t have an opinion or say in your life or your actions. Emphasizing the importance of autonomy and self-reliance.

Cake makes for EXCELLENT face cleanup. A whimsical reminder to find fun in the mundane.

Having a point of view is important. Respect someone else’s as much as you respect yours. Advocating for open-mindedness and mutual respect.

Don’t bother about things that aren’t in your control. Encouraging focus on what can be changed and letting go of what cannot.

Some of the things that you think aren’t in your control, actually are. Challenging the perception of helplessness and recognizing personal agency.

Love shamelessly, without inhibition or calculation. Promoting unconditional and wholehearted love.

Embrace the fall as much as you embrace the rise. Highlighting the importance of resilience and learning from setbacks.

Don’t embrace the stupid obstinate paunch so much. Work out from time to time. A humorous yet serious nudge towards maintaining physical health.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s insights reflect a mature and balanced perspective on life. His emphasis on genuine relationships, self-awareness, and finding joy in simplicity resonates deeply with those who follow his journey. These lessons are not just personal reflections but also guiding principles that influence his professional approach.

As the Founder and Intern at The Voice Company, Bodhisatwa Dasgupta brings these values into his work environment. His leadership style is characterized by authenticity, empathy, and a focus on nurturing meaningful connections. He believes that the strength of a company lies in its people and their shared commitment to common goals.

In his role as Resident Trainer at Copywriting With Bo, Bodhisatwa Dasgupta imparts these life lessons to aspiring copywriters. He encourages them to find their unique voice, respect differing viewpoints, and approach their craft with both seriousness and a sense of humor. His teaching goes beyond technical skills, fostering a holistic development that prepares his students for the diverse challenges of the industry.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s journey is a testament to the power of introspection and continuous learning. His reflections on life, combined with his professional expertise, make him a source of inspiration for many. By sharing his personal experiences and insights, he not only connects with his audience on a deeper level but also provides valuable lessons that can be applied in both personal and professional spheres.

Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s birthday reflection is more than just a personal narrative; it is a masterclass in living a balanced, thoughtful, and fulfilling life. His emphasis on the little things, self-awareness, and genuine connections offers a roadmap for others to follow. As he continues to lead with these principles, Bodhisatwa Dasgupta’s impact extends beyond his immediate circle, inspiring many to embrace simplicity, authenticity, and continuous growth.


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