Deveshi Kumar: Crafting Boundaries for a Balanced Life


Deveshi Kumar, the visionary Founder and CEO of Matter, recently shared her insightful strategies for creating personal boundaries on LinkedIn. Her post resonated deeply with many, shedding light on a common struggle: the difficulty of saying “no.” Deveshi Kumar’s advice is a testament to her commitment to self-care and professional excellence. Her strategies not only highlight her wisdom but also offer practical guidance for anyone looking to create healthier boundaries in their lives.

Deveshi Kumar began her post by addressing a universal challenge: “People struggle to say no.” This simple yet profound statement sets the stage for her thoughtful exploration of boundary-setting. Deveshi Kumar’s approach is rooted in clear communication and self-awareness, two essential components for maintaining personal and professional well-being.

One of the first strategies Deveshi Kumar shares is the importance of knowing when to say “no” and communicating it effectively. Instead of concocting excuses, she emphasizes the need for honesty and transparency. “I let the other person know that I have prior commitments or feel drained mentally/physically. Communication is key,” Deveshi Kumar advises. This straightforward approach not only respects the other person’s time but also reinforces one’s own boundaries.

Deveshi Kumar also underscores the necessity of spending more time alone. “Me time” is crucial for her creativity and self-connection. She stresses that this personal time should not be sacrificed for social activities or other demands. “I don’t sacrifice this time to meet other people or do activities,” she asserts. By prioritizing solitude, Deveshi Kumar nurtures her inner world, which in turn enhances her professional and creative output.

Protecting one’s energy is another vital aspect of Deveshi Kumar’s boundary-setting framework. She has developed a keen awareness of her energy levels and allocates them carefully to various tasks throughout the day. “I now know how much energy I have available to expend in a day, so I delegate it carefully to different tasks,” Deveshi Kumar explains. This mindful distribution of energy ensures that she remains focused and productive without feeling overwhelmed.

Deveshi Kumar also addresses the pervasive issue of FOMO, or the fear of missing out. Instead of succumbing to this anxiety, she has shifted her focus to her goals, vision, and mission. This change in perspective keeps her energized, focused, and determined. “I shifted my focus onto my goals, vision, and mission. This helps me feel energized, focused, and determined rather than falling into the guilty cycle of FOMO,” Deveshi Kumar shares. Her ability to prioritize long-term objectives over short-term distractions is a powerful lesson in maintaining clarity and purpose.

Deveshi Kumar’s post concludes with a call to action, encouraging others to repost her advice and follow her for more insights. This invitation not only amplifies her message but also fosters a community of individuals committed to creating healthy boundaries and improving their lives.

Reflecting on Deveshi Kumar’s strategies, it is evident that her approach to boundary-setting is both practical and empowering. Her emphasis on clear communication, personal time, energy management, and goal-oriented focus provides a comprehensive blueprint for anyone looking to enhance their well-being. Deveshi Kumar’s wisdom is a reminder that setting boundaries is not about isolation or selfishness but about creating a balanced life that allows for personal growth and professional success.

Deveshi Kumar’s insights are particularly relevant in today’s fast-paced world, where the lines between work and personal life often blur. By adopting her strategies, individuals can cultivate a healthier, more sustainable approach to their daily lives. Whether it’s learning to say “no” with confidence, prioritizing solitude, managing energy wisely, or overcoming FOMO, Deveshi Kumar’s advice is a beacon for those seeking a more balanced and fulfilling existence.

Deveshi Kumar’s post on creating boundaries is a testament to her thoughtful leadership and commitment to well-being. Her strategies offer invaluable guidance for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of modern life with grace and purpose. By following Deveshi Kumar’s example, we can all learn to protect our energy, prioritize our goals, and create the space needed for true creativity and growth. Her message is clear: boundaries are not barriers but bridges to a more empowered and fulfilling life.


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