Hollie Rottman: Embracing Resilience and Inner Strength Amidst Personal Loss


Hollie Rottman’s recent post on LinkedIn offers a poignant glimpse into how personal loss can profoundly impact one’s life and work. As an Executive Somatic Coach for Women Leaders, Hollie Rottman’s reflections on her father’s passing are deeply intertwined with her approach to leadership and personal development. Her narrative not only honors her father’s legacy but also provides valuable insights into managing grief and embracing resilience.

Hollie Rottman begins by sharing the deeply personal experience of losing her father—a man who played a crucial role in instilling confidence in her. Her father’s straightforward advice, delivered in his characteristic no-nonsense style, was a cornerstone of Hollie Rottman’s early life. His message to her was clear: “If someone steps on your foot, tell them to get the ‘bleeeep’ off.” This advice, though blunt, was a powerful lesson in standing up for oneself and asserting one’s boundaries, regardless of gender.

Hollie Rottman’s father, described as a country lawyer who made his own rules, was a figure of remarkable strength and defiance. Despite being born with only one arm, he demonstrated that passion, determination, and creativity could overcome significant challenges. Hollie Rottman recounts his achievements with admiration: he rode horses that jumped high fences, learned to fly airplanes, rode custom-made motorcycles, and fought for women’s rights. His refusal to be underestimated and his commitment to his mission were defining characteristics of his life.

The impact of Hollie Rottman’s father on her life is evident in her response to his passing. As she sat on a Swedish beach, unable to say goodbye in person, she made a promise to carry forward his resilient attitude. Hollie Rottman recognized that her father’s focus on what mattered most—his mission, the people he cared about, and his refusal to please everyone—was a powerful example to emulate.

In her grief, Hollie Rottman reflects on how to balance mourning with her ongoing responsibilities, such as celebrating milestones in her daughter’s life and continuing her work. Her approach to navigating this transition involves trusting her inner wisdom and utilizing practices that support her well-being. Hollie Rottman emphasizes the importance of being fully present in the moment, practicing centering and breath meditation, and engaging with nature to maintain mental fitness.

Hollie Rottman’s strategy for coping with grief and maintaining focus is informed by the principles she has learned through her somatic training and the insights from Shawn Achor’s book, The Happiness Advantage. One concept that resonates with her is the “Zorro Circle,” which represents focusing on small, manageable goals to regain a sense of control and confidence during times of uncertainty. By starting with what is within her control, Hollie Rottman aims to gradually expand her efforts and rebuild her sense of stability.

The “Zorro Circle” concept, as explained by Hollie Rottman, is a practical approach to managing stress and overwhelm. When faced with challenges, it is essential to reframe how one perceives control over life’s efforts. By concentrating on achievable objectives and progressively broadening one’s scope of action, Hollie Rottman demonstrates how to navigate periods of upheaval while preserving a sense of direction and purpose.

Hollie Rottman’s reflections offer a compelling perspective on resilience and personal growth. Her father’s legacy, marked by his unwavering commitment to his values and his ability to overcome adversity, serves as a guiding light for Hollie Rottman. Her ability to integrate this legacy into her approach to life and work exemplifies how personal experiences can shape and enhance one’s professional practices.

For those grappling with grief or significant life transitions, Hollie Rottman’s approach provides valuable lessons. It underscores the importance of maintaining a focus on what can be controlled, leveraging personal strengths, and using practical tools to navigate challenges. Hollie Rottman’s commitment to applying the principles of somatic coaching and the “Zorro Circle” to her life exemplifies how to manage change with grace and effectiveness.

Hollie Rottman’s post is a testament to the resilience and inner strength required to navigate personal loss while continuing to pursue one’s goals. Her father’s impact on her life, coupled with her professional insights, offers a powerful narrative about overcoming adversity and finding purpose amidst challenges. Hollie Rottman’s story is a reminder that even in the face of profound grief, it is possible to honor the legacy of loved ones by embracing their values and applying their lessons to our own lives. Through her somatic coaching and personal practices, Hollie Rottman demonstrates how to move forward with courage and clarity, one circle at a time.


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