Dr. Sonu Sharma: Rediscovering the Inner Child Through Entrepreneurship


Dr. Sonu Sharma, the founder of MagnetifAI TCS, recently shared a deeply personal story on LinkedIn, one that resonates far beyond the realms of business and entrepreneurship. Through a dream, Dr. Sonu Sharma encountered her inner child, a part of herself that had been lost and sidelined amidst the chaos of ambition and the demands of daily life. This experience profoundly impacted her, and it offers valuable lessons for those striving not just for success, but also for personal fulfillment and self-compassion.

Dr. Sonu Sharma began her reflection with a vivid recollection of a dream in which she found a lost little girl. As she described, the child appeared to be alone in a crowded place, vulnerable and in need of care. This little girl, it turned out, was none other than herself—her inner child, crying out for attention and love. In the dream, she took this child into her care, promising to reunite her with her mother, a metaphor for the nurturing and care her inner self had long been missing. When Dr. Sonu Sharma awoke, the dream’s meaning became clear: she had neglected her inner world, her emotional needs, while focusing on the demands of her career and ambitions.

This dream is a poignant reminder that even the most successful and driven individuals can sometimes lose touch with their emotional core. Dr. Sonu Sharma has achieved a great deal in her professional life, founding a company like MagnetifAI TCS, but like many entrepreneurs, she found herself consumed by the external pressures of performance, growth, and success. Her dream helped her realize that true fulfillment comes not only from external achievements but also from nurturing the internal self.

As Dr. Sonu Sharma recounted, growing up was not always easy. Like many young women, she was filled with anxiety about her future. She worried about whether she would be allowed to pursue her dreams, get a good education, or make her own decisions. These concerns followed her into adulthood, particularly when she got married, fearing that her independence might be curtailed. For Dr. Sonu Sharma, these concerns reflected societal expectations that women often face, the tension between pursuing one’s ambitions and fitting into prescribed roles. She mentioned the phrase “Betiya ka apna ghar bhi paraya hota hai or Sasural wale bhi hamesha Paraya hi mante hai,” underscoring the sense of alienation many women feel as they navigate between their birth families and marital homes.

In her post, Dr. Sonu Sharma explained how these anxieties shaped her into someone who was constantly striving, always running toward the next goal, and driven by a fear of failure. However, this relentless pursuit of external success came at a cost—her inner world was neglected. She became, as she puts it, “more head-driven,” focused on lead generation, sales, closing deals, and attending to the many demands of being an entrepreneur. While these tasks were essential to her professional success, they also distanced her from her emotional self. Her mind was always chattering, analyzing, and comparing herself to others, which, as many of us know, can lead to feelings of inadequacy and self-doubt.

Dr. Sonu Sharma’s experience is one that many entrepreneurs can relate to. The journey of entrepreneurship often requires an extraordinary amount of energy, focus, and resilience. There is constant pressure to perform, to scale, to innovate. Yet, as Dr. Sonu Sharma realized, entrepreneurship is not just about making and multiplying money. It is also about self-discovery, personal growth, and, most importantly, staying grounded. Each new challenge and success in business teaches valuable lessons about who we are as individuals and how we can grow—not just in our careers, but as people.

In her post, Dr. Sonu Sharma reflected on the harsh judgments she had made about herself over the years, often comparing her progress to those who seemed 100 steps ahead. This comparison, a trap many entrepreneurs fall into, led her to focus on external markers of success while ignoring the needs of her inner self. However, the dream of the lost girl served as a wake-up call. It was a reminder that while achieving external success is important, it should not come at the expense of emotional well-being.

Dr. Sonu Sharma emphasized the importance of reconnecting with her inner child, promising to show her love and compassion. This act of self-compassion is essential for anyone on a journey of growth—whether personal or professional. By acknowledging the pain and the emotional needs she had long ignored, Dr. Sonu Sharma was able to find a sense of balance. She credited the universe for guiding her toward this realization, noting that she seeks guidance daily before sleeping and believes that the universe is helping her get better each day.

Through her story, Dr. Sonu Sharma encourages others to embark on a similar journey of self-discovery. She asks a profound question: “Have you ever met your inner child?” This question challenges us to look inward, to reflect on the parts of ourselves that we may have sidelined in the pursuit of success. It is an invitation to practice self-love and to recognize that our inner world is just as important as the external accomplishments we strive for.

Dr. Sonu Sharma’s journey is a powerful reminder that success is not just about what we achieve in the outer world, but also about how we nurture our inner selves. As the founder of MagnetifAI TCS, she has undoubtedly accomplished a great deal, but it is her journey of self-compassion and self-discovery that truly stands out. Her story serves as a beacon for others, reminding us that in the fast-paced world of entrepreneurship, it is essential to stay grounded, to love ourselves, and to care for the inner child that resides within each of us.


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