Dalia Skardziute: Building Communities Through Connection and Growth

Dalia Skardziute_ Building Communities Through Connection and Growth

Dalia Skardziute is a name that has become synonymous with fostering community and collaboration within the marketing world. As the Co-founder of Marketing Connect CPH and a Global Marketing Manager, Dalia Skardziute is passionate about creating spaces where professionals can come together, share their stories, and grow through meaningful conversations. Her approach is rooted in the belief that success is not achieved in isolation but through connection, learning, and shared experiences.

Dalia Skardziute has made a significant impact in the marketing community by organizing events that bring together like-minded professionals to exchange insights, ideas, and strategies. Her recent event, held after the summer, was a perfect example of her commitment to building a strong marketing community. The gathering was filled with energy, inspiring conversations, and invaluable knowledge sharing, demonstrating once again that Dalia Skardziute is a master at cultivating environments where professionals can thrive.

At the heart of Dalia Skardziute’s philosophy is the idea that growth comes from connecting with others. She believes that no one can grow in a vacuum, and it’s through these connections that we learn, evolve, and become better at what we do. This belief was evident in her recent event, where marketing professionals gathered to share stories and insights that would help each other succeed in their respective fields.

One of the standout moments of the evening was when Jonathan Gilmartin from Sunrise shared his expertise on aligning sales and marketing. Dalia Skardziute ensured that the discussion was not just theoretical but interactive, with participants engaging in practical exercises to identify good leads and calculate attribution. This hands-on approach is something Dalia Skardziute emphasizes in her events, encouraging attendees to actively participate rather than just passively listen.

The key takeaway from Gilmartin’s session, “there’s no perfect way to score leads – just start and keep iterating,” resonated deeply with the audience. It’s a principle that Dalia Skardziute herself embodies in her own professional journey. She understands that perfection is not the goal—progress is. In a rapidly evolving marketing landscape, the ability to adapt, iterate, and grow is crucial, and Dalia Skardziute consistently highlights this in her work.

Another insightful presentation was delivered by Peter Arvad Larsen from DONNA Media, who shared his unique perspective on storytelling, drawing from his experience as a magician. Dalia Skardziute knows the power of a good story, and she recognizes the importance of marketers being able to craft stories that not only engage but also resonate deeply with their audience. Larsen’s advice—highlighting change for the customer, focusing on vulnerability, and incorporating a surprise element—perfectly aligned with Dalia Skardziute’s vision of marketing that feels authentic and memorable.

Dalia Skardziute is not just focused on the creative side of marketing; she also understands the importance of commercial skills. Andreas Mosegaard Villumsen from TITAN Containers delivered a presentation on essential marketing skills that every marketer should possess, both creatively and commercially. Dalia Skardziute’s inclusion of topics like understanding ROI, engaging in cross-department collaborations, and crafting strong value propositions highlights her comprehensive approach to marketing. She knows that to be successful, marketers must strike a balance between creativity and commercial acumen, and her events consistently provide professionals with the tools they need to excel in both areas.

What sets Dalia Skardziute apart as a community builder is her ability to bring together people from diverse backgrounds and experiences. At her recent event, she welcomed new faces into the community, making it clear that everyone has a story to share and a contribution to make. Dalia Skardziute fosters an environment where everyone’s voice is valued, and this inclusivity is a core part of her mission at Marketing Connect CPH.

But Dalia Skardziute’s work doesn’t stop at organizing events. She is deeply invested in the ongoing growth of her community. Her post-event message was a call to action for continued connection and collaboration. She encouraged attendees to stay engaged, to keep learning from one another, and to bring their stories to the table. Dalia Skardziute’s leadership is not about one-off gatherings but about building a sustainable community where professionals can grow together over time.

The next Marketing Connect CPH event is already on the calendar, scheduled for November 27th, and Dalia Skardziute is once again leading the charge. She invites anyone with a story to share to join the community, reinforcing her belief that every professional has something valuable to contribute. This open, welcoming approach is what makes Dalia Skardziute such an effective community builder. She creates spaces where people feel comfortable sharing their experiences, and in doing so, she helps them grow not just professionally, but personally as well.

In a world where professional networking can often feel transactional, Dalia Skardziute has created something different. Her focus is on genuine connection, learning, and growth. She understands that the best marketing strategies come from collaboration, and she has made it her mission to facilitate those collaborations through Marketing Connect CPH. Dalia Skardziute’s work is a testament to the power of community, and her events are a source of inspiration for all who attend.

As Dalia Skardziute continues to build and nurture the Marketing Connect CPH community, there’s no doubt that she will keep inspiring professionals to connect, share, and grow together. Her vision for a collaborative marketing world, where creativity and commercial skills go hand in hand, is one that resonates with many. And through her tireless efforts, Dalia Skardziute is helping to shape the future of marketing, one connection at a time.


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