Virgil Brewster: The Power of Planning in Building a 7-Figure Coaching Business

Virgil Brewster is a name that resonates with coaches and course creators around the globe. As a 7-figure course strategist, Virgil Brewster has helped countless coaches transform their ideas into profitable, impactful courses. But his journey to success was anything but easy. In a recent post, Virgil Brewster shared a powerful lesson on why 90% of coaches fail and what the ultimate success hack is. His answer: planning.

Virgil Brewster’s story begins with a turning point. At 7 AM, his boss yelled, “Paint that wall,” and in that moment, Virgil Brewster had an epiphany. “Is this what will become of my life?” he asked himself. That was the moment he decided to quit, a decision that changed the trajectory of his life forever. Little did he know, 15 years later, he would generate $10 million in course sales, but it wasn’t an overnight success. Virgil Brewster failed many times along the way, but each failure became a stepping stone toward mastering the art of planning.

For Virgil Brewster, planning wasn’t just a task—it was the key to unlocking success. In his post, he says, “You can sum up my mountain of failures with one word: PLANNING.” This single word, simple yet profound, captures the essence of what separates successful coaches from those who fail. Virgil Brewster’s ability to master planning allowed him to overcome the struggles that so many coaches face. It wasn’t luck or coincidence; it was a deliberate, focused approach to goal setting that led him to the top.

Virgil Brewster didn’t start with all the answers, but he learned through experience that pain is the best teacher. He admits to banging his head against the wall countless times before realizing that planning wasn’t just helpful—it was necessary. As he puts it, he had to “face mamma planning and honor her.” This realization led him to develop a powerful planning system that has now become a cornerstone of his coaching philosophy.

So, what exactly is Virgil Brewster’s formula for success? He outlines a simple yet effective strategy in his post:

  • Block 90 days.
  • Pick three big goals.
  • Divide each goal into two parts.
  • Break those parts into daily goals.
  • Focus on one task per day and chill when done.

This is the method that transformed Virgil Brewster’s business and life. By breaking down overwhelming goals into manageable tasks, Virgil Brewster created a system that not only improved his productivity but also gave him the clarity and focus needed to succeed. He encourages other coaches to steal this formula, make it their own, and use it to build their businesses.

Virgil Brewster’s advice goes beyond theory. It’s rooted in real-world experience, in failures, and in eventual triumphs. He’s not afraid to admit that he hates platitudes, but there’s one he makes an exception for: “Failure to plan is planning to fail.” It’s a cliché for a reason—it’s true. For Virgil Brewster, the lack of planning is the mother of all failures. Coaches who fail to plan their business strategies, their course content, or their marketing are setting themselves up for failure.

The coaching industry is full of talented individuals with valuable knowledge to share, yet 90% of them fail. Virgil Brewster believes this high failure rate is due in large part to a lack of planning. Many coaches are passionate about what they do but fail to recognize the importance of structure and strategy. Virgil Brewster’s success hack—planning—addresses this fundamental issue and gives coaches a roadmap to follow.

The success that Virgil Brewster has achieved didn’t come from winging it. His journey was a testament to the power of planning, perseverance, and discipline. Coaches who look up to Virgil Brewster see a 7-figure entrepreneur who has mastered the art of course creation, but what they often don’t see are the countless hours of meticulous planning that went into every successful launch. It’s this planning that sets Virgil Brewster apart from the rest and has allowed him to build a business that continues to thrive.

In addition to his planning system, Virgil Brewster also offers practical tools to help others follow in his footsteps. He mentions The Course Creation Checklist, a valuable resource for coaches who are ready to take the plunge into building their own courses. Virgil Brewster’s checklist is more than just a set of instructions—it’s a framework for success. By following this guide, coaches can avoid common pitfalls and create courses that not only resonate with their audience but also generate substantial revenue.

Virgil Brewster’s impact on the coaching industry is undeniable. His emphasis on planning as the ultimate success hack has changed the way many coaches approach their businesses. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by the many moving parts of a business, Virgil Brewster teaches his clients to break things down, focus on what matters, and execute with precision. His own journey from a frustrated worker to a 7-figure entrepreneur serves as proof that with the right plan in place, anything is possible.

As Virgil Brewster continues to launch courses for coaches and help others achieve their goals, his message remains clear: success is a process, not an accident. And that process begins with planning. Whether you’re a new coach just starting out or an experienced entrepreneur looking to scale, Virgil Brewster’s wisdom offers a roadmap for turning vision into reality.

Virgil Brewster leaves us with this powerful reminder: it’s not just about working hard; it’s about working smart. And the smartest way to approach any goal is with a plan. Planning may seem tedious, but as Virgil Brewster has proven, it’s the key to building a business that not only survives but thrives. So, when you’re ready to take your coaching business to the next level, remember the words of Virgil Brewster: “Failure to plan is planning to fail.”


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