Motilal Oswal launches TVC campaign ‘Skin in the Game’

Motilal Oswal - Skin In The Game
Motilal Oswal - Skin In The Game

Mumbai: Motilal Oswal Mutual Funds has launched a new TVC lead ad campaign – ‘Skin in the Game.’

Conceptualized by Mullen Lintas, the ‘Skin in the Game’ proposition helps demonstrate the conviction that the brand has in its product and a reason why investors should trust the brand.

Ever since the inception of Motilal Oswal Mutual Fund; MOFSL promoters’ personal investments as well as the company’s money (treasury funds) has been invested in their own Equity Mutual Funds. So much so that the company and its promoters are the largest investors in the company’s equity funds. In that sense, the company has the highest ‘skin in the game’. Using the insight that when it comes to trust; actions speak louder than words; the campaign aims to highlight this unique and powerful proposition

The creative idea is inspired by signs seen across various food outlets all over India. To instill confidence and trust, many restaurants put up a sign – “The owner of this restaurant also eats here”. This acts as a testament to the conviction the owner has in the quality of the food he serves.

Speaking on the film Ramnik Chhabra, Executive Director & Head, Marketing, Motilal Oswal Financial Services Limited (MOFSL) said, “When it comes to investing in general and equity mutual funds in particular, the results of your choice are only discernible in the future. To decide on which brand to select in the present for a positive future outcome; investors look for Trustmarks. This campaign provides a strong reason to trust the Motilal Oswal brand. Our belief in our equity expertise can be gauged from the fact that we eat our own cooking! “

Overlaying the now popular tone and manner and signature brand music of the Motilal Oswal films; the campaign would be promoted on business news channels, digital and social media.

Talking about the campaign execution and desired impact Garima Khandelwal, Executive Creative Director, Mullen Lintas, “To exhibit the extent of trust Motilal Oswal has in the product they sell, we thought to dramatize the opposite of it in a parallel industry. Borrowing from life and building from an analogy of the same. It started with the sign at a restaurant that proudly shows the belief in the food they serve by the owner advertising he consuming it to its patrons and the film was weaved around it to make the same parallel for the promoters of the fund, as they themselves invest in the equity fund that they promote, showing off their skin in the game. The ad was conceptualized pre covid but executed post-Covid, which made the execution journey memorable.”


Motilal Oswal Team

Ramnik Chhabra – Executive Director, Marketing

Charles Nadar – Vice President, Marketing

Agency: Mullen Lintas

Creative: Garima Khandelwal, Azazul Haque, Ripanka Kalita, Ashwin Joharapurkar, Shashank Salaskar, Chandni Dave, Johns Joy, Pintu Bisoyi, Aswirbaad Das

Account Management: Hari Krishnan, Priya Balan, Samir Sagar, Miloni Shah

Planning: Ekta Relan

Production House: Nirvana Films

Director: Kishore Iyer

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