Home Brief Audience Reports Abhishek Jayaram: Building a Legacy in Business and Beyond

Abhishek Jayaram: Building a Legacy in Business and Beyond

Abhishek Jayaram has carved a unique path in the world of business and venture capital. Recently concluding his journey with Mesa School of Business, Jayaram’s professional narrative is an inspiring testament to the power of ambition, clarity, and dedication. His recent post on LinkedIn not only reflects on his significant contributions to Mesa but also hints at his future endeavors with Grapevine App, a venture that aims to revolutionize access to information and foster open conversations.

Abhishek Jayaram joined Mesa with the belief that he was about to build something monumental. Initially, his plan was straightforward: contribute to Mesa’s growth and then pursue an MBA at one of the prestigious M7 business schools. However, as he immersed himself in the process of building Mesa, he discovered a profound passion for creation and a deep-rooted desire to stay in India. This revelation shifted his perspective, making him realize that leaving India to pursue an MBA abroad only to return and continue his work made little sense. The journey of building Mesa, alongside a talented and committed team, provided him with clarity about his goals and aspirations.

Throughout his time at Mesa, Abhishek Jayaram played a crucial role in establishing the institution as a promising challenger in the higher education landscape in India. As employee number one, he worked closely with co-founders Varun and Ankit, and his contributions were integral to the school’s success. Jayaram’s gratitude towards his team is palpable as he acknowledges the efforts of his colleagues, including Medha, Parth, Param, Rachna, Anusheela, Vidit, and Firdose. Their collective efforts have not only built an educational institution but also a close-knit community of like-minded individuals dedicated to redefining higher education in India.

Reflecting on his six-year journey in the business ecosystem, Abhishek Jayaram shares valuable insights that he has garnered along the way. He emphasizes the importance of traits over skills, advocating for the idea that having the right traits can enable individuals to acquire necessary skills and thrive in new environments. This perspective underscores a fundamental aspect of Jayaram’s approach to personal and professional growth: the belief in intrinsic qualities and their potential to drive success.

Another key lesson from Jayaram’s journey is the futility of over-engineering career moves. He believes that retrospection often reveals how the dots connect, suggesting that individuals should trust their instincts and pursue what feels intrinsically right. This approach has evidently guided Jayaram through various roles and challenges, allowing him to evolve and adapt seamlessly.

In his reflections, Abhishek Jayaram also highlights the importance of having strong yet flexible opinions. In the dynamic world of business, the ability to hold opinions loosely ensures adaptability and openness to new ideas. Additionally, he stresses the significance of building a team that is deeply passionate about their work. For Jayaram, the early stages of team building are critical, and having a team that is obsessed with the mission can drive the project to unprecedented heights.

One of the most profound insights Jayaram shares is the necessity of aligning with founders who possess the right values. Understanding why founders are building something is crucial as it serves as the driving force behind the entire team’s motivation and perseverance. Jayaram expresses his gratitude for having worked with exemplary founders like Varun, Ankit, Chinmay, and Abhinay, whose values and vision have been instrumental in his journey.

As Abhishek Jayaram transitions to his next venture with Grapevine App, he is excited about solving the challenge of access to information. He sees the combination of access to opportunity and information as the key to enabling people to achieve their best work. At Grapevine, Jayaram aims to foster an environment where open conversations can flourish without the fear of judgment. He believes that pseudonymity could be a powerful approach to achieving this goal, and he is eager to contribute to building a homegrown social media platform tailored for India.

Joining Grapevine App reunites Jayaram with long-time friends and colleagues, including Saumil, Jainam, Shreeyash, and Sanchit. Their shared history, from their undergraduate days at Xavier’s to their professional journeys at Zilingo and Elevation Capital, has built a strong foundation of trust and camaraderie. Now, as they embark on this new venture together, Jayaram is confident that their collective expertise and passion will drive Grapevine to success.

Abhishek Jayaram’s journey is a remarkable example of the power of clarity, passion, and resilience. From his pivotal role at Mesa School of Business to his upcoming venture with Grapevine App, Jayaram’s story is a testament to his unwavering commitment to building impactful and meaningful projects. As he continues to shape the future of business and technology in India, Abhishek Jayaram remains an inspiring figure whose journey offers valuable lessons for aspiring entrepreneurs and business leaders.