Amit Kasliwal: Redefining Success Through Balance


Amit Kasliwal, Co-Founder of Dehurdle, is a name that resonates with innovation and leadership in the entrepreneurial world. His journey, marked by professional accomplishments and personal growth, serves as an inspiring testament to the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Amit Kasliwal’s reflections on his own experiences provide invaluable insights for anyone striving to achieve success without compromising their well-being.

Amit Kasliwal begins his message with a candid admission that many of us can relate to: “It’s easy to fall into the trap of overworking.” This trap, as he describes, often stems from a deep-seated belief that relentless hard work is the only path to success. Amit Kasliwal acknowledges that he, too, has been driven by professional goals to the point where his personal life suffered. Missing out on family gatherings, special moments with friends, and personal downtime, he once believed that such sacrifices were necessary.

However, as Amit Kasliwal reflects on his journey, he realizes that overworking can lead to burnout and regret. Many people, when looking back on their lives, regret not spending more time with their loved ones and not taking care of their well-being. This realization prompted Amit Kasliwal to reassess his approach to work and life, leading him to advocate for a more balanced and fulfilling path.

Amit Kasliwal shares several key lessons he has learned in his pursuit of balance:

Learn to Say No: Amit Kasliwal emphasizes the importance of setting limits. When work encroaches on personal time, it’s crucial to say no. This simple act of boundary-setting can prevent the erosion of personal life and maintain a healthier equilibrium.

Prioritize Health: Regular exercise, healthy eating, and adequate sleep are non-negotiable for Amit Kasliwal. He understands that taking care of the body and mind is essential for optimal functioning and overall well-being.

Value Relationships: Amit Kasliwal stresses the irreplaceable value of time spent with family and friends. These moments, he notes, are invaluable and provide a sense of connection and joy that professional achievements alone cannot offer.

Disconnect from Technology: Taking breaks from digital distractions is another vital practice for Amit Kasliwal. Whether it’s enjoying a walk, reading a book, or simply relaxing, these moments of disconnection help rejuvenate the mind and body.

Reflect Regularly: Amit Kasliwal encourages regular reflection on life and priorities. This practice helps ensure that one is on the desired path and making choices that align with long-term happiness and fulfillment.

Finding a balance between work and personal life isn’t easy, but Amit Kasliwal believes it is essential for long-term well-being. Through his own experiences, he has discovered that a balanced life not only leads to greater fulfillment but also enhances productivity and creativity. This holistic approach allows him to bring his best self to both his professional and personal endeavors.

Amit Kasliwal’s message is clear: it’s never too late to start making small changes that can lead to a more balanced and fulfilling life. He encourages everyone to take proactive steps today to avoid looking back with regret. By setting boundaries, prioritizing health, valuing relationships, disconnecting from technology, and reflecting regularly, individuals can achieve a harmonious balance that fosters both personal and professional success.

In the context of his role as Co-Founder of Dehurdle, Amit Kasliwal’s insights are particularly relevant. Dehurdle, a company dedicated to overcoming challenges and fostering growth, embodies the principles of balance and well-being that Amit Kasliwal advocates. Under his leadership, Dehurdle not only aims to drive business success but also to cultivate an environment where employees can thrive both professionally and personally.

Amit Kasliwal’s journey serves as a powerful reminder that success is not solely defined by professional achievements. True success, as he has come to understand, encompasses a balanced and fulfilling life that includes time for personal growth, relationships, and self-care. His story is an inspiration to all who strive to achieve their goals without sacrificing their well-being.

As Amit Kasliwal continues to lead and innovate, his commitment to balance and well-being remains unwavering. He is a testament to the idea that it is possible to achieve great things without losing sight of what truly matters. By sharing his experiences and lessons, Amit Kasliwal is helping to pave the way for a more balanced and fulfilling approach to success.

Amit Kasliwal’s reflections on work-life balance are a beacon of wisdom for those navigating the demands of modern life. His journey, marked by both professional success and personal growth, highlights the importance of setting boundaries, prioritizing health, valuing relationships, disconnecting from technology, and reflecting regularly. Through his leadership at Dehurdle and his advocacy for a balanced life, Amit Kasliwal continues to inspire others to pursue their dreams without compromising their well-being. His message is one of hope and empowerment, reminding us that true success is defined not just by what we achieve, but by how we live our lives.


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