Angad Singh: Redefining B2B Marketing with Innovation and Passion


Angad Singh is on a mission, and it’s not just about marketing—it’s about transforming perceptions. In the ever-evolving landscape of business-to-business (B2B) marketing, Angad stands out as a beacon of creativity, determination, and purpose. His recent LinkedIn post encapsulates not only his approach but also his unwavering commitment to redefining the norms of B2B marketing.

In his thought-provoking post, Angad doesn’t just talk about marketing; he challenges conventional wisdom, inviting us to rethink our notions of B2B marketing. “B2B can be as fun as B2C or D2C marketing!” he boldly declares. And he’s right. Why should B2B be confined to the sidelines, labeled as the ‘boring cousin’ of consumer-facing marketing?

Angad Singh believes that the essence of marketing lies in connecting with people, regardless of whether they’re buying for themselves or on behalf of an enterprise. His words resonate with a powerful truth: in the digital age, every customer—whether B2B or B2C—craves relatability, entertainment, and shareable content.

Throughout his post, Angad Singh emphasizes the importance of injecting personality and entertainment into B2B marketing. He argues that solving enterprise problems doesn’t have to be devoid of creativity or excitement. It’s about understanding the end-user, resonating with their needs, and delivering value in an engaging manner.

At the core of Angad’s philosophy is the belief that effective communication doesn’t have to be dull or utilitarian. Instead, it can be vibrant, compelling, and memorable. By weaving storytelling, humor, and relatability into his marketing strategies, Angad is breaking barriers and reshaping the B2B landscape.

But Angad Singh isn’t just about rhetoric; he’s about action. When presented with the opportunity to lead marketing and growth efforts at, he didn’t hesitate. For him, it wasn’t just another job—it was a chance to make a difference. “The challenge to build and grow a B2B brand from scratch, differently from the usual norm, and to be able to drive a shift in marketing to impact an industry as a whole, was too exciting to pass!” he exclaims.

Angad’s enthusiasm is palpable as he describes the journey ahead. At, he’s not just selling a product; he’s pioneering a new category of analytics—Observability for fast-moving product growth teams. But it’s not just about innovation; it’s about revolution. “We’re changing the game,” he declares, his passion igniting with each word.

What sets Angad Singh apart is not just his expertise in marketing but his unwavering belief in the power of collaboration and alignment. He speaks of the synergy between himself and’s founders, Brijesh and Shobhit, with genuine excitement. “The level of alignment for this with the founders is crazy!” he enthuses. It’s this alignment of vision, values, and ambition that fuels his drive and propels towards success.

As Angad embarks on this new chapter, he invites us to join him on the journey. He promises to share everything they build and accomplish, inviting us to be part of something transformative. It’s not just about marketing and growth; it’s about building a community, sparking conversations, and leaving a lasting impact.

In a world where mediocrity often reigns supreme, Angad Singh is a breath of fresh air—a visionary, a trailblazer, and a catalyst for change. His passion for redefining B2B marketing is infectious, his determination unwavering, and his impact undeniable.

As we reflect on Angad Singh’s words, let us be inspired to challenge the status quo, to embrace creativity and innovation, and to always strive for excellence. For in the world of marketing—and indeed, in life—it is those who dare to be different, who dare to dream big, and who dare to make a difference that leave an indelible mark on the world.

So here’s to Angad Singh—may his journey be filled with continued success, boundless creativity, and unwavering passion. And may his story serve as a reminder that with courage, conviction, and a sprinkle of imagination, anything is possible.


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