Home Brief Audience Reports Ankit Anand: Building India’s Deep Tech Future

Ankit Anand: Building India’s Deep Tech Future

Ankit Anand, Founding Partner at Riceberg Ventures, has long been a visionary in the realm of Deep Tech and innovation. As someone who has not only built a Deep Tech startup but also played a pivotal role in founding India’s first SpaceTech accelerator, KickSky, Ankit Anand is committed to accelerating the country’s journey toward becoming a global leader in technology-driven industries. His passion and drive were on full display during a recent event hosted by the BITS BioCyTiH Foundation in Delhi, where Ankit Anand shared invaluable insights into the importance of incubators in fostering Deep Tech startups.

Ankit Anand’s Vision for Deep Tech in India During the event, Ankit Anand joined a distinguished panel that included some of the brightest minds in the field, such as Dr. Sabine Kapasi, a global healthcare expert working with the UN and WHO, Ram N Kumar, founder of NirogStreet, Sarita Ahlawat, widely recognized as the “Drone Woman of India” and founder of BotLab Dynamics, and others. Together, they discussed the critical role incubators must play in nurturing the next generation of Deep Tech startups in India.

Reflecting on the dynamic discussions, Ankit Anand emphasized the importance of India’s future being anchored in Intellectual Property (IP) creation, rather than continuing to rely solely on a service-based economy. Drawing an apt analogy between Apple and Foxconn, Ankit Anand highlighted that the true value and global recognition lie in the creation of IP-driven technologies, not just in offering low-cost products.

The Call for Change: Deep Tech as the Key to India’s Development Ankit Anand passionately believes that if India is to transform into a developed nation within the next 20-25 years, it must leap forward by fostering a robust ecosystem that supports Deep Tech innovation. According to him, there are three essential components to achieving this: talent, research and development (R&D) infrastructure, and risk capital. While India undoubtedly possesses a rich pool of talented individuals, the country still lags behind in the availability of infrastructure and risk capital, two key elements required to nurture world-class Deep Tech startups.

Ankit Anand explained that incubators can play a vital role in this ecosystem by offering access to research labs, prototyping facilities, and other necessary infrastructure. The combination of a strong talent pool and well-equipped incubators, backed by venture capitalists (VCs) willing to take risks, could pave the way for a surge in IP-driven innovation in India. As Ankit Anand remarked, “It’s our job as VCs to bring in risk capital, while incubators can provide access to infrastructure.”

The Role of Riceberg Ventures in Shaping the Future At the forefront of this transformative journey is Riceberg Ventures, co-founded by Ankit Anand. The firm is committed to accelerating India’s Deep Tech revolution by investing in and supporting startups that are poised to create world-changing technologies. For Ankit Anand, Deep Tech isn’t just a buzzword—it’s a crucial pathway for India to take its rightful place as a global leader in technology. He believes that this mission requires collaboration across industries, with entrepreneurs, investors, and incubators coming together to build a thriving ecosystem.

Ankit Anand’s conviction is further strengthened by his interactions with inspiring figures like Sriram Natarajan, the founder of Molbio Diagnostics. Natarajan’s success story in the biotech sector serves as a testament to the immense, yet often untapped, potential that exists within India’s Deep Tech landscape. As Ankit Anand pointed out, these success stories are seldom celebrated within traditional VC circles, a trend that must change if India is to truly harness its capabilities in Deep Tech.

A Collective Effort: Building India’s Deep Tech Ecosystem Ankit Anand has repeatedly underscored the need for a collective effort to realize the full potential of Deep Tech in India. He calls upon successful entrepreneurs, VCs, and incubators to join Riceberg Ventures in this mission, contributing their mentorship, infrastructure, and capital to support the next generation of innovators. In his words, “Together, we can build a future where India doesn’t just import technology – we create it, scale it, and lead the world in innovation.”

For Ankit Anand, the path forward is clear. India’s future success hinges on its ability to not only foster innovation but also to own and scale it globally. This requires more than just technical expertise; it demands a mindset shift where risk-taking, long-term vision, and a focus on IP creation become integral parts of the country’s economic strategy. Ankit Anand is optimistic that with the right support systems in place—be it infrastructure, mentorship, or capital—India can lead the charge in global technological advancements.

Ankit Anand’s Message: A Future Driven by Innovation As a seasoned entrepreneur and investor, Ankit Anand understands the complexities involved in building successful Deep Tech startups. However, he is also acutely aware of the incredible opportunities that lie ahead for India if it can fully harness its potential. In his recent post, Ankit Anand urged his fellow entrepreneurs and VCs to invest not just in products, but in the future of innovation itself.

At the BITS BioCyTiH Foundation event, Ankit Anand shared his firsthand experiences, offering a blueprint for how India can rise to the challenge. The key takeaway from his speech was that India’s economic future cannot be sustained by a service-based model alone. Instead, the country must focus on developing world-class IP-driven technologies, backed by a robust ecosystem that includes risk capital, R&D infrastructure, and mentorship.

Ankit Anand is not just a participant in India’s Deep Tech journey—he is a driving force behind it. Through Riceberg Ventures and his ongoing efforts to build an innovation-focused ecosystem, Ankit Anand is helping to shape a future where India leads the world in technology and innovation. His message is one of hope, determination, and collective responsibility: to build a future where India is not just a consumer of technology, but a creator, exporter, and leader on the global stage.