Anthony Cirillo: The Power of Punctuality and Preparedness


Anthony Cirillo is the Vice President at Conner Strong & Buckelew, a role in which he exemplifies the principles of punctuality and preparedness. In a recent LinkedIn post, Anthony Cirillo shared a lesson that has had a profound impact on his personal and professional life. This lesson, imparted to him by his legendary high school baseball coach, Marty Kenney Sr., underscores the importance of being early and ready for any commitment, whether it be practice, a meeting, or a client event.

Anthony Cirillo begins his reflection with the memorable phrase, “If you’re 10 minutes early, you’re 5 minutes late.” This adage was drilled into him during his time on the Varsity baseball team at Christian Brothers Academy. The principle behind this saying is straightforward yet powerful: to truly respect the start time of any event, one must arrive early enough to be fully prepared when the official time arrives. For Anthony Cirillo, this meant being at practice at 2:45 PM for a 3 PM start, ensuring he was ready to hit the ground running alongside his teammates.

The discipline Anthony Cirillo learned on the baseball field has seamlessly transitioned into his professional life. In his role at Conner Strong & Buckelew, he recognizes that arriving just five minutes early without being prepared can send the wrong message to colleagues and clients. It can imply a lack of respect for their time, suggesting that one’s own time is more valuable—a notion Anthony Cirillo firmly rejects.

Anthony Cirillo’s commitment to punctuality is not just about being early; it’s about being fully prepared and ready to engage. He understands that in the business world, every moment counts. Showing up early and being prepared maximizes the effectiveness of meetings and interactions, whether they are with colleagues, clients, or potential clients. This approach fosters a culture of respect and efficiency, where everyone’s time is valued and used wisely.

While Anthony Cirillo acknowledges that it isn’t always possible to be as early in the business world as his high school coach demanded on the baseball field, he stresses the importance of mindfulness regarding time. Being punctual and prepared demonstrates respect for others and a commitment to making the most of shared time. This principle is crucial in building and maintaining strong professional relationships.

Anthony Cirillo’s dedication to these values is evident in his daily practices. He ensures that he is always prepared for meetings and engagements, often arriving early to review notes, set up necessary materials, and mentally prepare for the discussion ahead. This level of preparedness allows him to be fully present and engaged when the meeting starts, leading to more productive and meaningful interactions.

In his LinkedIn post, Anthony Cirillo encourages others to adopt this mindset of punctuality and preparedness. He urges professionals to respect each other’s time and make every moment count by being early and ready. This practice not only enhances individual performance but also contributes to a more respectful and efficient organizational culture.

Anthony Cirillo’s story is a testament to the lasting impact of lessons learned in youth and their applicability throughout life. The discipline instilled in him by Coach Marty Kenney Sr. has become a guiding principle in his career, shaping his approach to professional interactions and time management. By sharing this lesson, Anthony Cirillo provides a valuable reminder of the importance of respecting time—both our own and that of others.

Anthony Cirillo’s reflections on punctuality and preparedness highlight a fundamental aspect of professional and personal success. His adherence to the principle of being early and ready, a lesson from his high school baseball days, underscores the value of respecting time and being fully prepared for every commitment. As Vice President at Conner Strong & Buckelew, Anthony Cirillo continues to embody these values, setting a powerful example for colleagues and clients alike. His story is an inspiring reminder of the importance of making every moment count, a lesson that resonates well beyond the baseball field and boardroom.


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