Anupam Mittal: The Importance of Emotional Awareness in Decision-Making

Anupam Mittal, the founder and CEO of People Group, and a well-known investor on Shark Tank India, is no stranger to decision-making. Throughout his 20-year entrepreneurial journey, Anupam Mittal has made countless decisions that have shaped not only his life but also the lives of thousands of people who work with him, his family, and even the industries he operates in. Yet, despite his vast experience and success, Anupam Mittal emphasizes one critical point: understanding emotions is key to making better decisions.

Anupam Mittal points out a common flaw in the way we are taught to understand emotions. From a young age, we are introduced to only a few basic emotions—happy, sad, angry, jealous, excited—but, as Anupam Mittal wisely notes, this limited emotional vocabulary doesn’t equip us for the complexity of the emotional landscape we face in real life. He explains that there are hundreds of emotions, many of which we don’t even have the vocabulary to describe, and this lack of awareness can lead to confusion and poor decision-making.

Anupam Mittal’s post encourages us to expand our emotional vocabulary and be more specific about what we are feeling. Are we simply angry, or are we actually frustrated, feeling overlooked, or scared of losing control? This distinction is crucial because, as Anupam Mittal suggests, emotions are data—they provide us with valuable information about what’s happening within us. However, they should not be the sole drivers of our decisions.

According to Anupam Mittal, one of the most important jobs of an entrepreneur is making decisions. Decision-making is an unavoidable part of life, and Anupam Mittal believes that the key to improving the quality of those decisions is emotional awareness. By understanding our emotions better, we can separate emotion from action, making decisions based on a broader and more balanced perspective. This is especially important when considering the long-term impact of our choices.

Anupam Mittal’s approach to decision-making can be broken down into three practical steps:

Step 1: Name the Emotion

The first step Anupam Mittal suggests is to try and name the emotion as specifically as possible. Is it frustration, envy, or fear of failure? Being able to name the exact emotion helps us process it better and avoid making rash decisions based on vague feelings. For instance, if you can recognize that you’re feeling overlooked rather than just angry, you can address the root cause more effectively. Anupam Mittal emphasizes that this step is crucial because it allows us to see our emotions as data rather than letting them steer the wheel of decision-making.

Step 2: Take the Long-Term View

Anupam Mittal encourages taking a step back and looking at the bigger picture. He suggests asking yourself how the decision you are about to make will look in five days, five months, or even five years. Many bad decisions, Anupam Mittal explains, come from short-term thinking. In the heat of the moment, we may make a choice that feels right but has long-term consequences we haven’t considered. By expanding the time horizon and considering the future impact of our actions, we can make decisions that are more thoughtful and grounded.

Step 3: Separate Emotion from Decision

In this final step, Anupam Mittal advises separating emotion from the actual decision. Emotions are important—they provide valuable data about how we’re feeling in the moment—but they shouldn’t be the driving force behind our choices. Anupam Mittal stresses the importance of respecting emotions but not letting them control the direction of our decisions. By acknowledging our emotions without letting them dictate our actions, we can make more rational, thoughtful choices that benefit us in the long run.

Anupam Mittal is transparent about the fact that even with this approach, we are bound to make bad decisions from time to time. Failure is inevitable, and Anupam Mittal himself admits to having made mistakes along the way. However, he also believes that by focusing on becoming more self-aware, we can gradually improve the quality of our decisions over time. This process of self-awareness, as Anupam Mittal explains, is not about eliminating emotions from decision-making but about learning to understand and manage them effectively.

One of the most powerful takeaways from Anupam Mittal’s post is the importance of emotional intelligence in both personal and professional life. Whether it’s running a business, managing relationships, or navigating life’s challenges, emotional awareness can significantly improve the decisions we make. Anupam Mittal’s candid reflection on his own journey underscores the value of continuously learning and growing in this area.

Anupam Mittal’s success as an entrepreneur and investor is built on more than just financial acumen. It is rooted in his ability to understand and manage the emotions that influence his decisions. His message to fellow entrepreneurs and decision-makers is clear: if you want to improve the quality of your life and work, start by improving your emotional awareness. Expand your emotional vocabulary, take a long-term view of your decisions, and don’t let your emotions drive your actions. Instead, use them as valuable data points that can help guide you to better choices.

Anupam Mittal’s insights into emotional awareness and decision-making are relevant to anyone striving for success, whether in business or in life. By understanding the complexity of our emotions and learning to manage them, we can make better decisions, avoid unnecessary mistakes, and ultimately improve the quality of our lives. Anupam Mittal’s wisdom comes from years of experience, and his approach offers a practical, grounded way to navigate the often overwhelming world of decision-making.


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