Aparna Thyagarajan: Championing Purpose-Driven Brands


Creating a brand with a clear purpose is more than just a marketing strategy – it’s a commitment to making a positive impact on the world. Aparna Thyagarajan, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shobitam, Inc, understands this principle well. With her background as an ex-Microsoft professional and angel investor, Aparna brings a wealth of experience to the table as she spearheads the mission of Shobitam, a brand that aims to revolutionize the Indian fashion industry.

Shobitam isn’t just about selling ethnic wear; it’s on a mission to make Indian fashion accessible, elegant, and globally available. Aparna Thyagarajan believes that the purpose of a brand extends beyond profits – it’s about helping people feel good, look good, and do good. In a world filled with choices, purpose-driven brands like Shobitam stand out for their commitment to creating meaningful experiences for their customers.

At Shobitam, Inc, Aparna Thyagarajan and her team connect with consumers on a deeper level by aligning with values that are universally resonant – joy in beautiful clothes, a passion for design, and the drive to make a difference in the world. By focusing on these core values, Shobitam has carved out a niche for itself in the competitive world of fashion, attracting customers who are not just looking for stylish clothing but also want to support brands that are making a positive impact.

Aparna Thyagarajan’s journey with Shobitam has led her to the heart of India, where she and her team collaborate closely with talented weavers. For Aparna, Shobitam isn’t just about selling sarees; it’s about championing unique weaves, supporting artisans, and making a difference in their lives. By working directly with artisans, Shobitam ensures that each product is not only beautifully crafted but also ethically sourced, empowering artisans and preserving traditional craftsmanship.

In a world where fast fashion often comes at the cost of environmental and social sustainability, Shobitam stands out as a beacon of ethical fashion. Aparna Thyagarajan’s vision for Shobitam goes beyond simply selling clothes – it’s about creating a brand that is built on the principles of sustainability, inclusivity, and social responsibility. By championing purpose-driven brands like Shobitam, Aparna is paving the way for a more ethical and sustainable fashion industry.

As a tech entrepreneur and angel investor, Aparna Thyagarajan understands the importance of leveraging technology to drive social change. Through Shobitam, she is harnessing the power of technology to connect consumers with ethically sourced, beautifully crafted products that have a positive impact on the world. By leveraging her expertise in technology and entrepreneurship, Aparna is transforming the way we think about fashion and paving the way for a more sustainable future.

Aparna Thyagarajan’s work with Shobitam, Inc exemplifies the power of purpose-driven brands to make a positive impact on the world. Through her commitment to ethical fashion, Aparna is championing a new paradigm in the fashion industry – one that values sustainability, inclusivity, and social responsibility. As she continues to lead Shobitam on its mission to revolutionize the Indian fashion industry, Aparna Thyagarajan is proving that fashion can be both stylish and sustainable, and that purpose-driven brands have the power to change the world for the better.


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