Aparna Thyagarajan: Crafting Authentic Brands Beyond Trends


Aparna Thyagarajan, Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer at Shobitam, Inc, and a seasoned professional with experience at Microsoft and as an angel investor, knows firsthand the intricacies of building a successful apparel brand. In a world where trends come and go like the froth on a latte, she emphasizes the importance of focusing on the substance beneath the surface and crafting brands that stand the test of time.

As an entrepreneur in the apparel industry, Aparna Thyagarajan understands the allure of trends. They can provide a temporary boost in sales, but she knows that relying solely on trends is like building a brand on shaky ground. The true essence of a brand lies in its ability to create a lasting connection with its audience, beyond the transient nature of seasonal fads.

In the fast-paced world of fashion, where trends come and go in the blink of an eye, Aparna Thyagarajan advocates for the magic of building a brand. A brand, she believes, is not a one-hit wonder but an entire album—a collection of stories, values, and connections that resonate with its audience on a deeper level.

For Aparna Thyagarajan, authenticity is key in building a successful brand. She believes that a brand’s story should be genuine and reflective of its values, creating a sense of authenticity that people can relate to. In a world dominated by fast fashion, she emphasizes the importance of investing in craftsmanship, materials, and products that stand the test of time.

While trends may speak to the masses, Aparna Thyagarajan believes that a brand should speak to its tribe. It’s about creating something that transcends seasons, speaks to the souls of its audience, and keeps them coming back for more. In a world where trends come and go, she advocates for building brands that have a lasting impact and create a sense of loyalty among their customers.

As Aparna Thyagarajan invites others to share their thoughts on building a brand, she encourages entrepreneurs to focus on creating something that goes beyond the surface-level appeal of trends. It’s about crafting brands that have substance, authenticity, and a genuine connection with their audience—an approach that will stand the test of time in the ever-evolving world of fashion.

Aparna Thyagarajan’s insights into building brands beyond trends are a testament to her experience and expertise in the apparel industry. As a co-founder and chief product officer at Shobitam, Inc, she understands the importance of creating brands that resonate with their audience on a deeper level. By emphasizing authenticity, craftsmanship, and genuine connections, she inspires entrepreneurs to build brands that stand the test of time and create lasting impact in the world of fashion.


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