Home Audience Reports Founder Archana Stalin: Cultivating a Greener Future with myHarvest Farms

Archana Stalin: Cultivating a Greener Future with myHarvest Farms

Archana Stalin, Founder and Growth Champion at myHarvest Farms, recently celebrated a significant milestone: the sixth anniversary of the organization. Archana Stalin’s journey from a simple idea to a flourishing enterprise is a testament to her unwavering determination and vision. Over the past six years, Archana Stalin has not only nurtured her dream but has also inspired many young minds to join her in shaping a sustainable and healthier future.

Archana Stalin’s journey with myHarvest Farms began with a seed of an idea, which has now germinated into a robust organization. This transformation did not come easy. As Archana Stalin reflects, the path was fraught with challenges and miracles. Yet, her stubborn heart and the manifesting power of the universe made it possible to keep moving forward. She acknowledges that every step taken was supported by a community of dedicated individuals who believed in her vision and contributed to the growth of myHarvest Farms.

The celebration of this milestone took place at the College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai, which Archana Stalin fondly refers to as myHarvest’s birthplace. The support and concern of her professors, even after 15 years of graduating, played a significant role in her journey. Archana Stalin’s gratitude towards her mentors and supporters is palpable, as she mentions Ratheesh Krishnan, her first customer and mentor, who has been a constant source of motivation for her and her team.

Archana Stalin’s acknowledgment of her team is heartfelt. She recognizes the efforts of every farmer, vendor, young boy, and girl who toils to ensure that safe food reaches more people. Archana Stalin’s gratitude extends to her incredible team at myHarvest Farms, who have been instrumental in achieving the organization’s goals. She takes a bow to each one of them, emphasizing the collective effort required to bring about meaningful change.

The journey of myHarvest Farms has just begun, according to Archana Stalin. She expresses immense gratitude to the investors who have not only provided financial support but have also added significant value to the organization. The inspiring speech by Amazingauto Annadurai during their celebration day brought confidence and reinforced the team’s commitment to providing better customer happiness. Archana Stalin’s friend, Madhavi Jadhav, added to the celebration with her energy and support, showcasing the importance of having a strong support system.

Archana Stalin’s vision is further strengthened by the right mentors along her way. She thanks Jacqueline Novogratz, Mahesh Yagnaraman, M.V Subramanian, Girish Mathrubootham, Dr. Kumar of Navins, C.K. Kumaravel, Sivarajah Ramanathan, Vish Viswanathan, Bhoovarahan Thirumalai, Hari Krishnan, Ratheesh Krishnan, Ramanathan V, Srinivas Ramanujam, and the thousands of customer families who believe in myHarvest Farms’ vision. Archana Stalin’s journey is a testament to the power of community and the impact of collective effort.

Reflecting on the early chaotic days when myHarvest Farms was a start-up with no comparator and no brand identity, Archana Stalin highlights the courage to start small but think big. Despite not having all the answers, she had a strong conviction that how an employee experiences an organization is core to strong business outcomes. This belief, coupled with an environment of trust and a collective intention of creating something meaningful, has been the driving force behind myHarvest Farms’ success.

Archana Stalin acknowledges that there is no easy way to success. The journey has had its share of failures and ups and downs, but each challenge has only made the organization stronger and more future-focused. Through this journey, myHarvest Farms has touched millions of customers and thousands of employees, exceeding ordinary expectations and making lives better, both personally and professionally.

It is no surprise that myHarvest Farms is described as an organization with a soul. The leaders, led by Archana Stalin, have led with care and compassion, and the people have responded with passion and pride in their work. The Global Exceptional Workplace award by Gallup Inc., which myHarvest Farms has won for the seventh year in a row, is a testament to their core beliefs bearing fruit.

As Archana Stalin bids goodbye to her 15-year journey with ACT, she hands over the reins to Avantika Susan Nigam with a mix of pride and a dash of sadness. She reflects on the honor of being a leader in the company and the privilege of building it to great heights. She extends a big shout-out to everyone who has been part of the company, acknowledging the significant role each one has played in the unfolding of this story.

Archana Stalin believes that the story of myHarvest Farms has only just begun. With no turning back, only forward and upward, she calls upon friends and supporters to keep supporting the mission. Together, Archana Stalin envisions building a greener and healthier world, learning, unlearning, and making every effort to make a positive impact.

Cheers to Archana Stalin and the myHarvest Farms team for their unwavering dedication and commitment to a sustainable future.