Arjun Vaidya’s Insightful Guide to Crafting the Perfect Investor Deck


Arjun Vaidya, Co-Founder at V3 Ventures and Founder of Dr. Vaidya’s (acquired), is no stranger to the world of startup pitches and investor decks. With a keen eye for detail and years of experience in the entrepreneurial landscape, Arjun understands the critical elements that can make or break a pitch. In a recent LinkedIn post, he shared invaluable insights into what sets a winning investor deck apart from the rest.

As an investor himself, Arjun sifts through hundreds of decks on a weekly basis. Beyond the financial projections and business idea, he emphasizes the importance of several non-negotiable elements that can significantly impact the success of a pitch.

“Clean formatting and the right font size, correct grammar, and the ideal length – these are the pillars of a standout deck,” Arjun asserts. “A good deck is not a guarantee of investment, but it’s the crucial first step towards securing a meeting.”

Throughout his post, Arjun underscores the significance of meticulous attention to detail in every aspect of the deck. “Focus on every single detail,” he advises early-stage founders. “Every comma, every full stop, and every word you use matters and can make or break your chance of landing that cheque.”

Drawing parallels to standardized testing, Arjun likens the process of reviewing a deck to the SAT exams for US colleges. “Just as a good score doesn’t guarantee admission, a well-crafted deck won’t secure funding, but a poorly executed one can derail your prospects entirely.”

Moreover, Arjun highlights the importance of readability, advocating for the 30-20-10 rule: 30 font size, 20 slides maximum, and a presentation length of 10 minutes or less. “Investors are inundated with decks,” he explains. “Adhering to these guidelines ensures that your message is clear, concise, and memorable.”

Reflecting on his own journey, Arjun acknowledges the evolution of investor decks over time. “Decks today are vastly different from those of years past,” he observes. “Fortunately, advancements in technology have equipped founders with tools to avoid common pitfalls, such as typos and formatting errors.”

Arjun recommends leveraging tools like the QuillBot Chrome Extension, which streamlines the proofreading process and offers suggestions for improving clarity and coherence. “It’s easy to use, effective, and best of all, it’s free,” he enthuses.

Arjun encourages aspiring founders to learn from his experiences and the collective wisdom gained from evaluating countless decks. “Take heed of the lessons learned,” he advises. “It will save you valuable time and increase your chances of success.”

As Arjun Vaidya’s insights demonstrate, crafting an impactful investor deck requires meticulous attention to detail, clarity of communication, and a commitment to excellence. By adhering to these principles, founders can elevate their pitches and enhance their prospects in the competitive world of startup funding.


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