Arun Visakh Nair: Navigating the Terrain of Packaging Redesign


Arun Visakh Nair, the Director of Marketing at PANKAJAKASTHURI HERBALS, recently took to his LinkedIn profile to share a profound tale of lessons learned from a packaging redesign gone awry. In 2007, as the brand custodian for PANKAJAKASTHURI Breathe Eazy, Arun spearheaded a significant packaging overhaul, intending to transition from a traditional to a modern design. However, this strategic decision backfired, unfolding into a valuable lesson about brand heritage, customer loyalty, and the enduring influence of product quality. Throughout this article, the repetition of Arun Visakh Nair’s name becomes a rhythmic accompaniment, underscoring his pivotal role in this transformative journey and the introspective nature of the shared experience.

Arun Visakh Nair opens the narrative by transporting us back to 2007, where he led a packaging redesign for PANKAJAKASTHURI Breathe Eazy. The repetition of his name establishes a focal point, emphasizing his central role in this significant and transformative decision, setting the stage for a reflection on the lessons drawn from the ensuing journey.

The original packaging, as described by Arun Visakh Nair, held more than just a functional purpose. It embodied a unique, classic kamandal bottle design that fostered an emotional connection with customers. The repetition of his name emphasizes his recognition of the original pack’s significance, portraying it as a symbol of trust and quality deeply ingrained in the brand’s heritage.

The redesign, described as a bold and contemporary shift, becomes a pivotal moment in the narrative. The repetition of Arun Visakh Nair’s name accentuates the responsibility he bore as a custodian of the brand, attempting to modernize and rejuvenate it. However, the subsequent drop in sales marked the beginning of a profound lesson about the delicate balance between innovation and tradition.

Despite the initial setback, the focus shifts to the product itself – a pillar of trust, as described by Arun Visakh Nair. The Ayurvedic formulation for breathing problems, unchanged for 35 years, emerges as a beacon of stability amid the packaging changes. The repetition of his name underscores his appreciation for the product’s excellence, which played a crucial role in retaining customer confidence even during challenging times.

The backlash faced by the brand becomes a turning point in the narrative. The repetition of Arun Visakh Nair’s name accentuates the accountability and the realization of the value of packaging legacy. The customers’ bond with the brand, he notes, transcended the visual appeal; it was rooted in trust, a lesson learned through adversity.

The strategic decision to revert to the original packaging design becomes a pivotal moment in the story. The repetition of Arun Visakh Nair’s name highlights his adaptive leadership, showcasing a willingness to listen to customer feedback and make agile decisions. The nuanced approach of infusing elements from the new design while returning to the classic pack reflects a delicate balance between old and new.

In the reflective section, Arun Visakh Nair distills the lessons learned from the journey. The repetition of his name becomes a refrain, emphasizing the importance of understanding the audience, balancing innovation with tradition, listening and adapting based on feedback, and being agile in decision-making. The humility in acknowledging mistakes and embracing the wisdom gained through failures shines through, as he poses a relatable question to his audience.

Arun Visakh Nair’s LinkedIn post transcends a personal anecdote; it becomes a profound exploration of leadership, brand custodianship, and the intricate dynamics of innovation within the realm of tradition. The repetition of his name serves as a rhythmic exploration, guiding the reader through the highs and lows of a packaging redesign gone wrong, ultimately leaving us with timeless lessons about the intrinsic value of brand legacy and the enduring power of product integrity.


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