Arvind Chandra: Championing Inclusion and Empowerment


Arvind Chandra, Chief Executive Officer of Aliaxis and Ashirvad Pipes, recently had the privilege of addressing a room filled with vibrant and motivated women colleagues at an event celebrating International Women’s Day at Aliaxis India. As he gazed upon their cheerful and expectant faces, a sense of admiration and responsibility washed over him. Arvind Chandra recognizes not only the professional progress and invaluable contributions these women have made to their organization’s growth but also the immense responsibility that lies upon his shoulders as a leader to further advance inclusion and empower women in the workplace.

For Arvind Chandra, leadership is more than just a title; it’s a call to action. Alongside the rest of the leadership team, including Jeyamalini Natesan, Dr. Shireesh Pankaj, Anil Tomar, Soumendra Mishra, Harendra Singh Bisht, Sankar K, Ram Kumar Kullai, Sudeep Agrawal, and Sainath G S, he is committed to inspiring inclusion, challenging mindsets, and fostering an environment where women can thrive.

The recent appointments of Dr. Smita Kumari and Savita Kamble as women plant heads are a testament to their dedication to hiring and promoting more women leaders within the organization.

However, Arvind Chandra acknowledges that the journey towards true inclusion doesn’t end with recruitment—it extends to retention and growth. Recognizing the importance of creating a supportive and respectful environment, he is committed to nurturing a culture where biases are acknowledged, differences are embraced, and everyone feels valued and respected.

In alignment with this vision, Aliaxis India has launched WOW (Women of Wonder), an initiative under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). This initiative focuses on empowering women employees through various avenues such as enhancing health awareness, fostering learning and leadership development opportunities, and promoting overall work well-being.

Arvind Chandra understands that these initiatives are just the beginning and is eager to continue exploring ways to further inspire inclusion and empower women within the organization.

Arvind Chandra’s commitment to championing inclusion and empowerment extends beyond the confines of Aliaxis India. He is keen to learn from others and encourages dialogue and collaboration within the broader community.

By sharing experiences, exchanging ideas, and learning from one another, he believes that we can collectively create a more inclusive and empowering workplace for all.

As Arvind Chandra continues on this journey, he invites others to join him in the quest to inspire inclusion. He welcomes feedback, suggestions, and stories of initiatives from individuals and organizations alike.

Together, through collective efforts and shared commitment, we can pave the way for a more inclusive and equitable future.

Arvind Chandra’s leadership exemplifies a deep-seated commitment to advancing inclusion and empowerment in the workplace. Through his actions, initiatives, and unwavering dedication, he is not only shaping the culture within Aliaxis India but also inspiring others to join the movement towards a more inclusive and empowering future.

As we look towards the road ahead, let us draw inspiration from Arvind Chandra’s leadership and work together to create workplaces where everyone has the opportunity to thrive and succeed.


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