Ayurveda Brands Witness Spike in Ayurveda Products Post COVID-19 Pandemic

Ayurveda Brands Witness Spike in Ayurveda Products Post COVID-19 Pandemic

The demand for honey has gone up by 45%, Chyawanprash by 85% and turmeric by 40%

March 2021: The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic has brought in so many changes in the lives of the people almost setting a new normal of living. Of many changes brought in due to the pandemic, the rise in the demand for Ayurveda products is one of them, which is prevalent everywhere.

Companies such as Dabur and Himalaya Wellness have seen an increase in demand for Ayurvedic products across portfolio post COVID-19 pandemic. Dabur is witnessing a strong growth in enquiries for key products, particularly the immunity booster range that includes Chyawanprash, Honey, Giloy tablets, Giloy Churna, Ashwagandha capsules.

For Himalaya, the surge in demand has been seen particularly in its Pure Herbs range such as Guduchi, Tulsi, Amalaki, Ashvagandha, and others. This apart, its propriety formulations such Septilin, Immusante have also seen a significant increase in demand post COVID-19 pandemic.

 “The demand for honey has gone up by 45%, Chyawanprash by 85% and turmeric by 40% in ayurvedic stores. We have also seen a remarkable rise in the sales of our various Ayurvedic products like Maharishi Amrit Kalash and Ayur Defence post COVID-19 pandemic. The sale of Maharishi Amrit Kalash has increased by over 26% from the year 2020,” says Mr Anand Shrivastava, Chairman – Maharishi Ayurveda.

Market Research Company, Nielsen’s report in the month of July reveals that Chyawanprash sales have increased by 283% in June, while the sales of branded honey increased by 39%. Chyawanprash and herbal teas which are supposed to improve immunity had increased 17-18% month on-month. In North India, the sales of these products have been very high during the month of January and February. The sales of ‘Guduchi’ have also gone up three times. The northern states such as Delhi, Madhya Pradesh, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and Gujarat are driving the demand.

The rising sales registered by Indian Medicines Pharmaceuticals Corporation Limited (IMPCL), a government enterprise and manufacturer of Ayurveda and Unani medicines reveals that the consumption of ayurvedic medicines and products has increased during the COVID-19 pandemic significantly.

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