Bjarne Viken: Mastering the Art of Follow-Up to Secure High-Ticket Clients

Bjarne Viken: Mastering the Art of Follow-Up to Secure High-Ticket Clients

Bjarne Viken, a name increasingly associated with transforming LinkedIn strategies for professional service providers, has a keen understanding of what it takes to secure high-ticket clients. His recent insights into the art of follow-up reveal a nuanced approach that is not only practical but essential for success in today’s competitive landscape. By delving into Bjarne Viken’s strategies, professionals can uncover the key to unlocking significant opportunities and achieving impressive results.

Bjarne Viken starts by addressing a common misconception in sales: the belief that a single follow-up is sufficient. According to Bjarne Viken, a staggering 80% of sales require at least five follow-ups, yet 44% of salespeople give up after just one attempt. This statistic highlights a crucial gap between potential and performance, underscoring the need for persistence and strategic follow-ups.

Bjarne Viken’s follow-up formula is a structured approach designed to maximize the chances of conversion while maintaining professionalism and adding value at every step. Here’s a breakdown of the winning follow-up formula Bjarne Viken advocates:

Day 1: Initial Outreach Bjarne Viken emphasizes the importance of making a strong first impression. The initial outreach should be clear, concise, and engaging, setting the stage for future interactions. This first touchpoint is crucial as it establishes the foundation for the relationship.

Day 3: Value-Add Follow-Up According to Bjarne Viken, adding value early on is key. By sharing relevant content or insights, you demonstrate your expertise and commitment to providing solutions. This step not only reinforces your initial outreach but also builds credibility and trust.

Day 7: Gentle Reminder with a Question Bjarne Viken advises that a gentle reminder, coupled with a question, serves to re-engage the prospect. This approach shows that you are attentive and interested in their needs while encouraging further dialogue. It’s a way to keep the conversation going without being overly aggressive.

Day 14: Case Study or Success Story At the two-week mark, Bjarne Viken suggests sharing a case study or success story. This tactic helps to illustrate the real-world impact of your services, providing tangible proof of your capabilities. It’s a method to further convince the prospect of the value you can deliver.

Day 30: “Breaking Up” Email The final follow-up, as recommended by Bjarne Viken, is a “breaking up” email. This communication serves as a last attempt to engage before potentially moving on. It’s an opportunity to leave a positive impression and an open door for future opportunities.

Bjarne Viken’s approach also includes several key tactics that enhance the effectiveness of follow-ups:

Vary Your Channels: Bjarne Viken highlights the importance of using multiple communication channels—email, LinkedIn, and phone. This multi-channel approach increases the likelihood of reaching your prospect and keeps your outreach dynamic and versatile.

Each Touch Should Add New Value: Consistent with Bjarne Viken’s philosophy, every follow-up should provide new and valuable information. This ensures that each interaction is purposeful and relevant, rather than repetitive.

Be Persistent, Not Pushy: Bjarne Viken advises maintaining persistence without crossing into pushiness. Persistence demonstrates commitment, while being pushy can create negative impressions. Finding this balance is crucial for effective follow-ups.

Use Humor to Stand Out: To differentiate yourself, Bjarne Viken suggests incorporating humor where appropriate. A touch of humor can make your communication memorable and foster a positive connection with your prospect.

Always Provide an Easy Out: Bjarne Viken underscores the importance of giving prospects an easy way to opt-out if they are not interested. This approach respects their time and preferences while keeping the door open for future opportunities.

Bjarne Viken’s follow-up formula has proven effective in enhancing engagement and conversion rates. By implementing these strategies, professionals can significantly improve their chances of securing high-ticket clients and achieving their sales goals.

In addition to these follow-up strategies, Bjarne Viken offers valuable insights into optimizing LinkedIn profiles for better visibility and engagement. As a LinkedIn Growth Hacker, Bjarne Viken provides consultations to help professionals enhance their profiles and leverage LinkedIn’s full potential.

If you’re looking to refine your outreach strategies or improve your LinkedIn presence, Bjarne Viken’s expertise can provide the guidance you need. His approach is grounded in practical experience and a deep understanding of what works in the real world.

Bjarne Viken’s approach to follow-ups offers a roadmap for turning prospects into high-ticket clients. His emphasis on persistence, value, and strategic communication reflects a deep understanding of sales dynamics. By applying Bjarne Viken’s formula and tactics, professionals can transform their follow-up processes, enhance their client acquisition efforts, and ultimately achieve greater success in their businesses.

Bjarne Viken’s insights are a testament to the power of thoughtful, strategic follow-ups. They serve as a reminder that success in sales is often a result of consistent effort, careful planning, and a genuine commitment to adding value. For those looking to elevate their sales game, Bjarne Viken’s strategies offer a proven path to achieving outstanding results.


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