Brandon Fluharty: Finding Your Spark in Sales


Brandon Fluharty is a name that resonates with resilience, perseverance, and transformation in the world of sales. His story is one of personal and professional evolution, marked by moments of doubt, fear, and ultimately, breakthrough success. In a candid reflection on his career, Brandon Fluharty shared an experience from 2008 that serves as a powerful reminder that sometimes, all it takes is one small spark to change the trajectory of our lives.

Brandon Fluharty’s journey in sales began in an environment that didn’t feel right to him. At the age of 29, he was selling $45 print ads to small local businesses, struggling to find his footing. He described how he was almost fired from his second sales job because his approach didn’t align with his manager’s expectations. His manager wanted him knocking on doors, but Brandon Fluharty felt that strategy wasn’t suited to his strengths. As he navigated this period of uncertainty, he began to question whether sales was even the right career path for him.

But, as Brandon Fluharty points out, sometimes the universe offers us a spark—a small moment of opportunity that can ignite a fire within us. For him, that spark came in the form of a new job, just before he was about to be let go. At his new company, Brandon Fluharty found a mentor, Denise, who not only believed in him but also allowed him to be strategic in his approach. This was a pivotal moment in his career, and it marked the beginning of a transformative journey that would take him from small business sales to strategic accounts.

The transition was not immediate, nor was it easy. However, Brandon Fluharty’s determination and newfound excitement for his work kept him pushing forward. Over time, he climbed from selling to small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) to working with mid-market clients, and eventually, he found his sweet spot in strategic accounts. This progression wasn’t just about moving up in rank—it was about discovering where his strengths truly lay and aligning his work with his personal style.

During his four-year period working in strategic accounts, Brandon Fluharty’s career saw a dramatic shift. He earned three times more in that period than he had in the previous 13 years of his sales career combined. But more than the financial success, this period represented a personal triumph for Brandon Fluharty. It took him nearly a decade to find his sweet spot, but when he did, it changed his life.

Brandon Fluharty’s story is not just one of personal success; it’s a lesson for anyone questioning their path in sales or any career, for that matter. He emphasizes that sometimes, all we need is a small spark to set us on a new and more fulfilling path. For Brandon Fluharty, that spark was a change in his environment, a mentor who believed in him, and a workplace where he felt valued. These factors, though seemingly small at the time, were the catalysts for his eventual success.

As Brandon Fluharty reflects on this journey, he offers several key insights that are valuable for anyone in sales or facing career uncertainty. First, he highlights the importance of finding an environment that suits your strengths. Brandon Fluharty’s initial struggles came from being in a job that didn’t align with his natural approach to sales. It wasn’t until he found a role that allowed him to be strategic that he began to thrive. This underscores the importance of finding the right fit in your career—not every job or role is right for every person, and sometimes, success is simply about finding the right environment.

Second, Brandon Fluharty’s story emphasizes the power of mentorship. His mentor, Denise, played a crucial role in his success by believing in him and guiding him through the transition from SMB to strategic accounts. Mentorship can provide the support and confidence needed to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. For Brandon Fluharty, having someone who saw his potential and allowed him to be strategic was the turning point in his career.

Third, persistence is a key theme in Brandon Fluharty’s narrative. It took him nearly a decade to find his sweet spot in sales, but he never gave up. His story serves as a reminder that success doesn’t always come quickly or easily. Sometimes, it requires years of trial and error, but the important thing is to keep going. As Brandon Fluharty says, “Keep going. A spark may be waiting around the corner.”

Finally, Brandon Fluharty’s journey highlights the importance of self-belief. There were moments when he doubted whether sales was right for him, but he pushed through those doubts and found success. His story is a powerful reminder that even when we’re scared, uncertain, or on the verge of giving up, we can still find our way to success if we persist and remain open to the opportunities that come our way.

Brandon Fluharty’s story is one of resilience, mentorship, and the power of finding the right fit in your career. His journey from struggling to sell small ads to earning three times more in strategic accounts is a testament to the idea that success often comes when we least expect it. For anyone facing challenges in their career, Brandon Fluharty’s message is clear: sometimes, all you need is a small spark to ignite a path to life-changing success. Keep going, because your spark could be just around the corner.


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