Brendan Rogers: Unveiling the Promise of India’s Entrepreneurial Landscape


“Brendan Rogers,” Co-Founder and General Partner at 2am VC, makes a bold proclamation on his LinkedIn post: he will invest hundreds of millions into India over the next 30 years. His declaration is not just about capital; it’s about recognizing the tremendous potential that lies within India’s burgeoning startup ecosystem. With over 150,000 startups projected by 2025 and a rapidly growing GDP, Brendan Rogers sees India as a land of immense opportunity for entrepreneurs and investors alike.

As Brendan Rogers delves into the macro trends shaping India’s entrepreneurial landscape, he paints a picture of unprecedented growth and innovation. The sheer number of startups and the jobs they create are a testament to India’s vibrant entrepreneurial spirit. Moreover, the influx of funding into Indian startups, expected to surpass $150 billion, underscores the confidence of investors in the country’s potential for growth and value creation.

What sets India apart, according to Brendan Rogers, is its youthful population and their unwavering drive to succeed. With half the population under the age of 28, India is home to a generation of ambitious and talented individuals who are hungry for success. Their dedication, innovation, and resilience make India a prime destination for investment and entrepreneurship.

For Brendan Rogers, the decision to invest in India is not just a financial one—it’s a recognition of the country’s untapped potential and its role as a hub for innovation and growth. He acknowledges that India’s new era is here, driven by a wave of entrepreneurial energy and ambition that cannot be ignored. Brendan Rogers sees himself as part of this journey, ready to listen, learn, and invest in India’s future.

Through his post, Brendan Rogers invites others to join him on his journey of investing in India and unlocking its vast potential for entrepreneurship. He recognizes the importance of sharing his insights and experiences with others who are eager to explore the opportunities that India has to offer. By providing links to his journey through various platforms, including YouTube, Spotify, Apple, and Google, Brendan Rogers opens the door for others to learn from his experiences and perspectives.

As Brendan Rogers embarks on his mission to invest in India, he remains steadfast in his belief that the country holds the most untapped potential for entrepreneurs. His commitment to India’s entrepreneurial ecosystem is rooted in a deep understanding of its strengths, challenges, and opportunities. Brendan Rogers sees himself as a partner and advocate for Indian entrepreneurs, ready to support them in realizing their dreams and building successful ventures.

Brendan Rogers’ declaration to invest hundreds of millions into India over the next 30 years is a testament to his belief in the country’s potential for entrepreneurship and innovation. Through his post, he shines a light on India’s vibrant startup ecosystem and invites others to join him on his journey of discovery and investment. Brendan Rogers’ vision for India’s entrepreneurial future is bold, ambitious, and filled with promise—a future where innovation knows no bounds and success knows no limits.


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