Chanyu Xu: Turning Failure into Fuel for Success


Chanyu Xu, Founder and CEO of HER ONE, is a living testament to the power of resilience and the ability to turn setbacks into stepping stones. In a world where the fear of failure can paralyze aspiring entrepreneurs, Chanyu Xu’s journey exemplifies how embracing a growth mindset can lead to incredible success. Her experiences with previous ventures have shaped her approach to business, ultimately contributing to the triumph of HER ONE.

“Why fear of failure can be your single biggest obstacle to success as an entrepreneur,” begins Chanyu Xu’s insightful post. She knows this truth all too well. Imagining the launch of a dream startup only to see it fail within a year is a daunting prospect for any entrepreneur. Yet, for Chanyu Xu, this scenario was a reality she faced not once, but twice. In 2013, she ventured into the foodtech space with Eatuber, a ghost kitchen concept. Despite her best efforts, the business declared bankruptcy within a year. Undeterred, Chanyu Xu launched another startup, Eating With The Chefs, offering gourmet meal kits. This venture also closed down after 18 months. Most people would have stopped at this point, but not Chanyu Xu.

These experiences, though challenging, were invaluable lessons that contributed to the success of HER ONE. Chanyu Xu learned to view setbacks as opportunities for growth rather than failures. Embracing a growth mindset, she turned these challenges into the foundation for her future success. “Over time, I learned to view these setbacks as stepping stones rather than failures,” she explains, emphasizing the importance of perspective in the entrepreneurial journey.

Chanyu Xu’s key learnings from her past ventures boil down to several golden nuggets of wisdom that any entrepreneur can benefit from. The first is knowing when to let go. “We all fall victim to sunk costs,” she acknowledges. Sometimes, it’s better to shut down a failing business early to conserve resources and pivot to new opportunities. This approach not only preserves resources but also opens the door to new possibilities.

Another crucial lesson is embracing mistakes. “Don’t be afraid of making mistakes,” advises Chanyu Xu. Mistakes are inevitable and the best way to learn. Her previous failures taught her invaluable lessons that she applied to HER ONE. This mindset shift from fearing mistakes to embracing them as learning opportunities is a cornerstone of her success.

Timing, Chanyu Xu learned, is also crucial. Launching at the right time can make a significant difference. The market must be ready for your product. HER ONE succeeded partly because it tapped into the rising demand for health and supplements. Recognizing the right moment to launch can be the difference between success and failure.

Transparency and trust are vital in building lasting relationships with stakeholders. “Be transparent with your stakeholders,” Chanyu Xu advises. This builds trust and can lead to reinvestment from investors who believe in you despite past failures. Her commitment to transparency has fostered a loyal network of supporters who have stood by her through thick and thin.

Finally, asking for help is a sign of strength, not weakness. “Don’t be shy and ask for help when you need it,” says Chanyu Xu. No business is built by one person alone. Acknowledging this fact and seeking support can significantly enhance your progress. Chanyu Xu’s journey with HER ONE is a testament to the power of collaboration and the willingness to seek guidance.

Embracing a growth mindset means viewing challenges as opportunities for improvement. Instead of seeing failure as a stopping point, Chanyu Xu sees it as a learning experience that prepares her for future success. “Failures aren’t the end but stepping stones to success,” she affirms. Each setback offers lessons that make you stronger and better prepared for future challenges.

Chanyu Xu’s journey from the failure of Eatuber and Eating With The Chefs to the success of HER ONE is a powerful narrative of resilience, determination, and the ability to turn adversity into advantage. Her story inspires entrepreneurs to overcome the fear of failure and view it as an integral part of the path to success.

Chanyu Xu’s entrepreneurial journey is a beacon of hope for anyone grappling with the fear of failure. Her experiences demonstrate that setbacks are not final but rather opportunities to learn, grow, and emerge stronger. By embracing a growth mindset, knowing when to let go, learning from mistakes, timing your ventures right, being transparent, and asking for help, Chanyu Xu has built HER ONE into a successful and inspiring brand. Her story is a reminder that failures are not obstacles but the very building blocks of success. What’s one lesson you’ve learned from a failure? Share your story and join the conversation that Chanyu Xu has so thoughtfully initiated.


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