Chetna Chaddha: Valuing Your Expertise and Time


Chetna Chaddha, Co-Founder at Biggn, has shared a thought-provoking and essential message that resonates deeply with professionals across various industries. In her recent post, Chetna Chaddha addresses a common yet often overlooked issue: the importance of valuing one’s expertise and time. Her insights provide a roadmap for professionals to navigate the delicate balance between helping others and ensuring their own worth is recognized and respected.

Chetna Chaddha begins with a powerful statement: “I’m sorry, but this brain cannot be picked for FREE.” This declaration sets the tone for her message, emphasizing the need for professionals to assert the value of their skills and knowledge. Chetna Chaddha is not advocating for a mercenary approach where every interaction is monetized. Instead, she highlights the importance of discerning between those who genuinely need help and those who seek to exploit professional expertise without offering fair compensation.

Chetna Chaddha’s distinction between help and a prospect is crucial. She explains that if someone seeks assistance with a creative design or a copy, that constitutes help. However, if someone requests a comprehensive social media strategy and designs, that person is a prospect who should engage in a professional transaction. By drawing this line, Chetna Chaddha empowers professionals to recognize when their expertise warrants payment and when it is appropriate to offer free assistance.

One of the core messages in Chetna Chaddha’s post is the significance of valuing one’s time. She asserts that while helping others is commendable and contributes to career growth, professionals must also prioritize their paying clients and workload. This is not only a matter of financial compensation but also a way to maintain professional integrity and personal well-being. Chetna Chaddha’s advice is simple yet profound: if someone is taking your time, they should be willing to pay for it. If they are not, professionals must be prepared to ask for compensation.

Chetna Chaddha offers practical tips for saying no politely when faced with requests for free services. Her suggestions are rooted in honesty and directness, setting clear boundaries while still maintaining a professional and respectful tone. For instance, she recommends stating, “I appreciate you reaching out, but I have to prioritize my paying clients. I would love to help if we can arrange a paid consultation.” This approach acknowledges the request while asserting the value of the professional’s time and expertise.

Another valuable tip from Chetna Chaddha is to suggest alternatives. If professionals are unable to provide free services, they can direct the requester to resources that might help or offer a brief, free initial consultation to discuss their needs. This way, they provide some value without compromising their professional boundaries. For example, Chetna Chaddha suggests, “I can’t offer my services for free, but I recommend checking out [resource] that might help you.”

Chetna Chaddha also highlights the importance of offering value upfront and redirecting to paid options. Professionals can provide a quick tip or piece of advice for free, indicating their willingness to help while making it clear that more detailed assistance will require payment. This strategy helps maintain goodwill and positions the professional as both generous and business-savvy. An example she provides is, “While I can’t provide free services, here’s a quick tip: [insert helpful tip]. For more detailed assistance, my rates are [rate] per hour.”

Throughout her post, Chetna Chaddha underscores the necessity of setting clear boundaries to maintain professional integrity. By valuing their time and expertise, professionals not only ensure fair compensation but also foster a culture of respect and professionalism. This approach benefits both the professional and their clients, as it establishes a clear understanding of the value being provided.

Chetna Chaddha’s message is a call to action for all professionals to recognize and assert the worth of their skills and knowledge. In an era where the lines between personal and professional interactions are increasingly blurred, her advice is a timely reminder of the importance of self-respect and professional boundaries. By following her guidance, professionals can navigate requests for free services with confidence and grace, ensuring their expertise is always valued appropriately.

Chetna Chaddha’s insights on valuing professional expertise and time are both inspiring and practical. Her emphasis on distinguishing between help and prospects, setting clear boundaries, and communicating value effectively provides a comprehensive framework for professionals. Chetna Chaddha’s wisdom is a testament to her experience and understanding of the professional landscape, offering valuable lessons that can help others succeed while maintaining their integrity and self-respect.


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