Chris Hardwick: Mastering Outside Sales with a 3-Step Success Framework


Chris Hardwick, a renowned Sales/BDR Coach and Sales Centurion, has established himself as a leader in the sales world by helping individuals and teams unlock their full potential. With years of experience in outside sales, Chris Hardwick’s coaching and methodologies have empowered countless sales professionals to achieve their goals through a simple yet powerful 3-step framework. This approach focuses on what matters most in the sales journey: being visible, putting in the work, and preparing for success.

Chris Hardwick’s 3-step framework begins with a simple but often overlooked principle: GET SEEN. In a world where competition is fierce and attention spans are short, sales professionals must ensure that their ideal clients know who they are and understand what they offer. Chris Hardwick emphasizes that being known is not just about people recognizing your name—it’s about establishing a genuine connection with your Ideal Client Profile (ICP). He encourages salespeople to share their stories authentically, highlighting both their strengths and vulnerabilities.

According to Chris Hardwick, sharing personal triumphs and struggles allows prospects to see the human side of the sales process. By doing so, sales professionals can build deeper connections with their ICP, who will not only recognize them but trust them. In his words, “Our authentic selves—the good and the bad—need to shine through.” He believes that potential clients must know the value proposition clearly, understanding how the product or service can make their businesses more successful. For Chris Hardwick, this is the first crucial step toward building lasting relationships with customers.

The second step in Chris Hardwick’s framework is to GET BUSY. After ensuring that you’ve been seen, the real work begins. Chris Hardwick teaches that success in sales is about controlling the controllables. Salespeople must take action, doing everything in their power to reach their ICP. This step involves consistent effort, whether it’s making calls, sending personalized emails, or walking into doors to meet clients face-to-face. Chris Hardwick’s philosophy is clear: if you want results, you need to be relentless in your pursuit of building meaningful relationships with your clients.

Chris Hardwick highlights the importance of personalized outreach, which goes beyond the traditional sales strategies. From sending handwritten notes to memorable gifts, such as crumpled letters or empty donut boxes, his advice is to create a unique experience that makes your prospects remember you. It’s this creativity that sets successful salespeople apart from the rest, ensuring that they not only get busy but stay top-of-mind for their ICP. However, Chris Hardwick doesn’t just focus on new business; he also underscores the importance of maintaining strong relationships with existing clients. “When you’ve earned some business,” he says, “take care of your current customer ongoing business.” Going the extra mile for clients, keeping them informed, and showing genuine interest in their lives outside of business are key to fostering loyalty and long-term success.

The third and final step in Chris Hardwick’s framework is to GET READY. After putting in the hard work, sales professionals must be prepared to handle the responsibilities that come with success. Chris Hardwick believes that when you take care of what you’ve been entrusted with—whether it’s a small deal or a large one—clients will reward you with more opportunities. Being ready means being proactive, staying organized, and ensuring that you’re capable of managing more business as it comes your way.

Chris Hardwick’s framework is built on a foundation of persistence, discipline, and care for the client. As he explains, “The race is not given only to the swift and the strong, but to the one who endures to the end.” In the world of sales, many start the race, but few finish it successfully. This endurance is what separates great salespeople from the rest. Chris Hardwick’s approach is simple, but not easy—it requires dedication, resilience, and a commitment to serving clients at the highest level.

One of the key takeaways from Chris Hardwick’s teachings is that sales is not just about closing deals—it’s about building relationships. His framework encourages salespeople to be authentic, work diligently, and be ready for the opportunities that come their way. This mindset has helped him guide countless individuals to achieve remarkable success in their sales careers.

Chris Hardwick’s insights extend beyond his framework; he also offers sales professionals the chance to take their skills to the next level through his “100 Days Sales Centurion Challenge.” This program, designed for those ready to level up their sales game, provides intensive coaching and support to help participants become sales centurions—elite professionals who excel in every aspect of the sales process.

For those looking to improve their sales performance, Chris Hardwick’s advice is invaluable. His framework simplifies the path to success by breaking it down into three actionable steps. By focusing on getting seen, getting busy, and getting ready, sales professionals can build strong connections with their ICP, work relentlessly to create value, and prepare for the growth that follows.

Chris Hardwick’s approach is not just about improving sales numbers—it’s about transforming the way salespeople approach their work. His focus on authenticity, creativity, and client care sets a high standard for what it means to be successful in sales. And while the journey may be challenging, Chris Hardwick’s framework serves as a roadmap for anyone willing to put in the effort and dedication required to succeed in the world of outside sales.

Chris Hardwick has crafted a powerful 3-step framework that provides clear direction for sales professionals seeking success. His emphasis on visibility, hard work, and readiness to handle new responsibilities resonates with anyone in the industry. Chris Hardwick’s legacy as a sales coach and centurion continues to inspire and elevate the careers of those who follow his guidance, proving that with the right mindset and strategy, the path to sales success is both attainable and rewarding.


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