Ogilvy Agency’s Creative Brilliance Shines in New TVD Ad


In the world of advertising, the name Ogilvy is synonymous with creativity and innovation. The recent television advertisement shared by Karthik Srinivasan on LinkedIn, which was crafted by Ogilvy India, is a testament to their creative prowess. This ad not only showcases their brilliance but also brings a fresh perspective to an everyday habit – brushing teeth. Let’s delve into the details of this intriguing ad and see how Ogilvy’s creativity is changing behavior.

A Hint of Sugar-Free Toothpaste : At first glance, it may seem that the ad is promoting a sugar-free toothpaste variant. Given the increasing awareness about oral health and the need to cut down on sugar, such a product would have been a logical choice. However, Ogilvy takes a more innovative approach.

A Broader Change in Behavior : Rather than focusing on a specific product, the Ogilvy Agency takes a broader approach by addressing a common habit in India – consuming sweet treats after meals. The ad cleverly taps into the ‘khaane ke baad meetha’ tradition, which is deeply ingrained in Indian culture. This habit often leads to tooth-related issues, making it a relevant issue to address.

A Creative Device That Intrigues : The creative device used in the ad is nothing short of brilliant. It shows people brushing their teeth with sweets – be it mithai, chocolates, or ice cream. This visual metaphor is not only creative but also thought-provoking. It challenges the viewers to think about the consequences of their actions, particularly the impact on their oral health.

The Element of Surprise : One of the most effective elements of the ad is the surprise factor. For almost a minute, viewers are led to believe that the ad is about brushing with sweets. This prolonged engagement keeps the audience intrigued. However, it’s worth noting that for television, shorter cuts (15-30 seconds) might have maintained the element of surprise while keeping viewers’ attention, without stretching their patience.

Changing Behavior with Creativity : What makes this ad truly remarkable is its ability to influence behavior. It doesn’t just sell a product; it encourages a shift in habit. By highlighting the potential harm of indulging in sweets after meals and linking it to tooth brushing, Ogilvy aims to promote a healthier practice of brushing before bed.

The Ogilvy Touch : Ogilvy has a long-standing reputation for pushing creative boundaries in advertising. This ad is no exception. It proves that advertising can be a powerful tool for not only selling products but also instigating meaningful change.

Ogilvy India’s latest TVD ad, as shared by Karthik Srinivasan, is a testament to the agency’s creative brilliance. It challenges conventional thinking, taps into cultural habits, and, most importantly, strives to change behavior for the better. While the ad’s punch might have landed sooner with shorter cuts, its ability to engage and provoke thought remains unquestionable. Ogilvy continues to be at the forefront of creating impactful, thought-provoking advertisements that leave a lasting impression.


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