Deeksha Ahuja: Championing Diversity Through Entrepreneurship and Investing


Deeksha Ahuja, a name synonymous with empowerment and innovation, is making waves in the world of entrepreneurship and investing as the Founder of Encubay. With a vision to drive diversity and foster change, Deeksha is leading the charge to create a more inclusive ecosystem for female founders in India. In a recent post on her LinkedIn, Deeksha shares her excitement about the Power Circle event hosted by Encubay in Bombay, highlighting the energy and enthusiasm that permeates the SHECOSYSTEM of Change.

The bustling city of Bombay, with its vibrant energy and bustling streets, served as the perfect backdrop for the Power Circle event hosted by Encubay. Bringing together knowledge networks, capital, and a diverse array of stakeholders, the event was a testament to Deeksha’s commitment to driving diversity through entrepreneurship and investing. The Power Circle event provided a platform for female founders to connect, collaborate, and access resources essential for their growth and success in the competitive business landscape.

At the heart of Encubay’s mission is the SHECOSYSTEM of Change, a transformative initiative aimed at addressing the underrepresentation of women in entrepreneurship and investing. Deeksha and her team at Encubay are dedicated to building a stakeholder network that empowers women entrepreneurs and investors, paving the way for greater diversity and inclusion in the startup ecosystem. Through collaborative partnerships and innovative programs, Encubay is redefining the landscape of entrepreneurship, one female founder at a time.

For Deeksha, driving diversity is more than just a passion—it’s a calling. Through Encubay, she is on a mission to challenge the status quo and create meaningful change in the entrepreneurial landscape. By fostering a supportive and inclusive environment, Deeksha is empowering women to pursue their entrepreneurial dreams and break barriers in traditionally male-dominated industries.

The launch of an exclusive membership for female founders in India marks a significant milestone for Encubay. This game-changing initiative promises to provide female founders with access to invaluable resources, mentorship, and networking opportunities, empowering them to thrive in the competitive startup ecosystem. Deeksha encourages aspiring female founders to apply for membership and join the SHECOSYSTEM of Change, where their ideas and innovations can flourish.

Deeksha extends her gratitude to the individuals who have contributed to the success of Encubay and the Power Circle event. From Tripti A. and Dr. Karuna Kamble to Disha Dhanesha and Sirat, each individual has played a crucial role in advancing the mission of Encubay and driving diversity in entrepreneurship and investing. Additionally, Deeksha acknowledges the unwavering support of her partner, Avneet Kohli, in both her personal and professional endeavors.

As Deeksha reflects on the Power Circle event and the journey of Encubay thus far, she is filled with excitement and optimism for the future. With a strong network of supporters and a shared commitment to driving diversity, Deeksha is confident that Encubay will continue to make a meaningful impact in the entrepreneurial landscape. Through her leadership and dedication, Deeksha Ahuja is paving the way for a more inclusive and equitable future for female founders in India.

Deeksha Ahuja’s vision and dedication serve as an inspiration to aspiring entrepreneurs and investors around the world. Through Encubay, she is driving meaningful change and championing diversity in entrepreneurship and investing. As she continues to lead the charge, Deeksha remains committed to creating a more inclusive and equitable ecosystem where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive and succeed.


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