Deveshi Harjani: Championing Authenticity in a Digital Age


Deveshi Harjani is passionately dedicated to building impactful brands for Founders, CEOs, and Coaches. Her journey and insights offer a refreshing perspective on authenticity in a digital world increasingly dominated by artificial intelligence. In a recent LinkedIn post, Deveshi Harjani shared her thoughts on the importance of genuine engagement and the pitfalls of AI-generated comments, highlighting a critical issue in modern social media interactions.

Deveshi Harjani begins her post with a bold declaration: “I hate AI.” She quickly clarifies that her frustration is specifically with AI-generated comments. Every day at 1 PM, Deveshi Harjani hits the post button on LinkedIn, grateful for the genuine comments and direct messages she receives. However, she also encounters a flood of AI-generated comments that lack the authenticity she values so highly. These comments, often verbose and formulaic, fail to capture the essence of true human interaction.

Deveshi Harjani illustrates her point by quoting a typical AI comment: “What an innovating concept. The ability to simply the pointers is truly impressive. A very incredible story indeed. How did you first come up with these challenges and what steps did you take to overcome them?” Such comments, while well-structured, lack the genuine engagement and personal touch that Deveshi Harjani believes are essential for meaningful online interactions.

In response to this, Deveshi Harjani offers a lesson in the English language, focusing on the term “authenticity.” She defines authenticity as “the quality of being genuine or real,” and provides an example to illustrate her point: “AI comments invalidate the authenticity of your LinkedIn content.” This definition underscores her belief that authenticity is crucial for building trust and credibility in any professional relationship.

Deveshi Harjani emphasizes the importance of remembering why we are on platforms like LinkedIn in the first place. She encourages her audience to reflect on their goals and motivations, reminding them that to achieve these goals, two key elements are necessary: trust and credibility. Deveshi Harjani argues that these elements can only be attained through genuine engagement—by being vulnerable, sharing opinions, and being one’s true self, including the goofy and serious aspects. She stresses that it is equally important to share failures as well as successes.

Her advice is clear: “Ditch the AI. No one wants to talk to a robot. They want to talk to YOU.” Deveshi Harjani’s call to action is a powerful reminder that in an age where automation and AI are becoming ubiquitous, there is still an irreplaceable value in human connection. Authentic interactions foster trust and build meaningful relationships, which are the foundations of any successful brand.

Deveshi Harjani also poses a thought-provoking question to her audience: “Do you engage with the AI comments under your posts?” This question encourages her followers to reflect on their own practices and consider the impact of engaging with inauthentic comments. By prompting this self-reflection, Deveshi Harjani helps her audience recognize the importance of maintaining authenticity in their online interactions.

Beyond her reflections on AI and authenticity, Deveshi Harjani also uses her platform to offer her services. She is currently taking on beta clients and invites those interested to reach out to her. This approach not only highlights her expertise in building impactful brands but also demonstrates her commitment to helping others achieve their goals through authentic engagement.

Deveshi Harjani’s insights on authenticity in the digital age are a valuable reminder of the importance of genuine human connection. Her journey as a brand builder for Founders, CEOs, and Coaches is a testament to the power of authenticity in creating trust and credibility. By sharing her experiences and encouraging others to ditch AI-generated comments in favor of real, vulnerable interactions, Deveshi Harjani champions a more human-centered approach to social media engagement.

Her message is clear and inspiring: true success in building a brand or a professional network lies in being authentic, sharing both triumphs and setbacks, and always prioritizing genuine human connection. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, Deveshi Harjani’s commitment to authenticity serves as a guiding principle for those looking to make a meaningful impact in their professional lives.


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