Devi Sahny: Nurturing Young Entrepreneurs and Shaping Future Leaders


Devi Sahny, Founder & CEO at Ascend Now, recently witnessed an extraordinary event at Dulwich College International—the inaugural Bullpen of Champions. This competition wasn’t just about showcasing entrepreneurial ventures; it was a testament to the brilliance and ambition of young minds.

Six months ago, the journey to the Bullpen began for these students. Rather than merely completing assignments, they dedicated themselves to building businesses focused on social impact and sustainability. With over 100 hours invested, they prepared to shine at the business fair, adorning booths as colorful and vibrant as their ideas.

On the second day, the real magic unfolded as ten teams pitched their solutions to pressing global issues before a panel of esteemed judges. What made this event truly unique was the palpable sense of community and support that filled the room—a testament to the collective spirit fostered by education.

The competition format kept everyone on their toes, with eight pre-selected teams for the finals and two wildcard teams chosen by audience votes. This dynamic setup not only heightened the excitement but also emphasized the importance of community input, making it an inclusive event for all.

Beyond the impressive business models and pitches, what truly resonated with Devi Sahny was the remarkable transformation of the students. Through this process, they not only honed their business acumen but also developed resilience, collaboration skills, and confidence—an invaluable journey of growth.

As Devi Sahny reflects on the event, she feels optimistic about the future. These young entrepreneurs aren’t just learning to create value in the marketplace; they are preparing to lead and innovate in a world that needs their talents more than ever.

The Bullpen of Champions is just the beginning of this journey. Devi Sahny extends her heartfelt thanks to the visionaries and educators who made this program possible, including Fraser White, Karen Yung, Lesley Meyer, Anthony Coles, and Stephen Kaye. Their commitment to unconventional education is shaping the leaders of tomorrow, inspiring innovation and creativity in young minds.

Devi Sahny also acknowledges the invaluable contributions of individuals like Arianna Sasia, Ethan Barnes, and Emily Zhao Hui, whose dedication and support played a significant role in the success of the event.

Devi Sahny’s experience at the Bullpen of Champions serves as a reminder of the power of education to nurture entrepreneurship and leadership in young individuals. As these students continue on their journey, guided by mentors and educators like Devi Sahny, they hold the promise of a brighter and more innovative future for generations to come.


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