Dilshad Ahamed: Turning Rejection into Triumph at Brototype


Dilshad Ahamed is a name that resonates with perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination. As the Head of Media at Brototype, Dilshad Ahamed has an inspiring story that is a testament to the power of taking risks and believing in oneself. His journey from rejection to success is one that many can draw inspiration from, particularly those who are just starting their careers or facing similar challenges.

Dilshad Ahamed’s story begins with a series of rejections. Fresh out of graduation, he aspired to become a video editor. His initial interviews went well, and he was even offered good pay. However, there was one significant hurdle: he didn’t own a laptop. This lack of equipment led to his rejection by three companies, a situation that could have easily disheartened anyone. But Dilshad Ahamed’s determination did not wane.

Without the financial stability to afford a laptop outright, Dilshad Ahamed decided to take a significant risk. He purchased a laptop on an EMI plan, despite his limited financial resources. This decision was not easy, but it was a crucial step toward his career goals. Worried about securing a job soon, he reached out to the last company that had rejected him, inquiring if he could join now that he had a laptop. To his surprise, the person on the other end of the line laughed and encouraged him to go for it. Little did he know that this person was Nikhil Kilivayil, the founder and CEO of Brototype.

This phone call marked a turning point in Dilshad Ahamed’s life. With newfound confidence, he joined Brototype, starting at a modest pay of 15,000 rupees. Despite half of his salary going towards the EMI for his laptop, he felt a sense of accomplishment and relief. This risk he took was pivotal, setting the foundation for his future success.

For the past five years, Dilshad Ahamed has been a part of Brototype, where he now leads a team of over 20 creative professionals. His journey from a hopeful graduate to the Head of Media is not just about professional growth; it’s about overcoming personal and financial challenges with courage and determination. Dilshad Ahamed’s story is a reminder that taking calculated risks can lead to unimaginable rewards.

Reflecting on his journey, Dilshad Ahamed emphasizes the importance of resilience and the willingness to take risks. His story is a powerful illustration of how rejection can be a stepping stone rather than a setback. The initial rejections he faced could have deterred him, but instead, they fueled his determination to succeed.

One of the key lessons from Dilshad Ahamed’s journey is the importance of seizing opportunities and believing in oneself, even when the odds seem against you. His decision to buy a laptop on EMI, despite his financial constraints, showcases his commitment to his career and his belief in his abilities. This bold move paid off, leading him to a successful and fulfilling career at Brototype.

Dilshad Ahamed’s experience also highlights the significance of mentorship and encouragement. The support and confidence he received from Nikhil Kilivayil played a crucial role in his journey. This underscores the impact that leaders and mentors can have on the careers of young professionals. By providing encouragement and opportunities, leaders can help unlock the potential of their team members.

As the Head of Media at Brototype, Dilshad Ahamed now has the opportunity to inspire and mentor others. His story serves as a source of motivation for his team and for anyone facing similar challenges. He encourages others to share their own stories of taking risks and overcoming obstacles, fostering a culture of resilience and determination.

Dilshad Ahamed’s journey from rejection to triumph is an inspiring tale of perseverance, risk-taking, and self-belief. As the Head of Media at Brototype, he has not only achieved professional success but also become a role model for others. His story is a reminder that challenges and setbacks are an inevitable part of the journey, but with determination and the right mindset, they can be overcome. Dilshad Ahamed’s experience is a testament to the power of taking risks and the impact of supportive leadership. His journey continues to inspire many, proving that with resilience and determination, one can achieve great heights.


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