Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK): Pioneering Inclusion in Leadership


Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK), President of ISVIR Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Chapter, sparks a crucial conversation about gender roles and inclusion in her recent LinkedIn post. With her extensive background in medicine and leadership, she brings a unique perspective to the discourse surrounding women’s participation in traditionally male-dominated fields. Through her insightful analysis and pragmatic approach, Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) challenges conventional narratives and offers a roadmap for achieving true inclusion.

In her thought-provoking post, Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) questions the prevailing notion of women’s exclusion from certain roles solely based on their gender. Drawing from her own experiences and observations, she argues that such stereotypes are increasingly outdated in today’s rapidly evolving society. Instead, she advocates for a shift in focus towards recognizing and harnessing the inherent potential within every woman.

Central to Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK)’s message is the theme of “Inspire Inclusion” for International Women’s Day. She underscores the importance of action and self-belief in realizing inclusivity, rather than relying solely on advocacy or confrontation. By reframing the conversation around empowerment and meritocracy, she challenges the status quo and champions a more proactive approach to achieving gender equality in leadership roles.

Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) invokes the concept of the Backwards Law to shed light on the fallacy of expressing lack and demanding inclusion. Instead of perpetuating a victim mentality, she urges women to focus on showcasing their capabilities and merit. Drawing from her own professional environment at Rela Hospital, she highlights the absence of gender bias in roles, emphasizing the growing recognition of talent and contribution over gender stereotypes.

To further the progress towards inclusion, Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) offers practical steps that can be instrumental in fostering a more inclusive workplace culture. She advocates for shifting away from a victim mentality, focusing on possibilities, transforming negative narratives into positive affirmations, and demonstrating efficiency and strategic thinking in one’s efforts. Moreover, she encourages viewing personal and professional life as integrated aspects, rather than compartmentalizing them into a work-life balance dichotomy.

Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) asserts that achieving true inclusion requires active participation and a focus on demonstrating value and capabilities. Rather than passively waiting for change, she urges women to take ownership of their professional trajectories and showcase their merit to earn the respect and positions they deserve. Through her insightful guidance and unwavering commitment to fostering inclusion, Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) emerges as a trailblazer in the pursuit of gender equality in leadership roles.

As the discourse surrounding gender roles and inclusion continues to evolve, Dr Deepa Shree MRCP FRCR EBIR CCT (UK) stands as a beacon of inspiration and empowerment. Her message resonates with women across industries, encouraging them to challenge stereotypes, embrace their potential, and strive for excellence in their professional endeavors. By championing a more proactive and merit-based approach to inclusion, she paves the way for a more equitable and diverse future in leadership.


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