Dr. Krishna Yedula: A Visionary Leader in Sustainability and Facilities Management


Dr. Krishna Yedula is a name synonymous with environmental sustainability and innovation in facilities management. As the Vice President and Pan India Head of Facilities & Sustainability at Virtusa, Dr. Krishna Yedula has consistently demonstrated a profound commitment to creating a sustainable future. His leadership and vision have been instrumental in driving numerous initiatives that blend technological advancements with ecological consciousness, ensuring that Virtusa remains at the forefront of corporate responsibility and environmental stewardship.

Dr. Krishna Yedula recently shared an inspiring update on his involvement in the World Environment Day celebrations organized by the Virtusa Foundation on June 5th. This event marked a significant milestone in their ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability, highlighting the commissioning of ten solar-powered bore wells at the Amrabad Forest Reserve. This project, championed by Dr. Krishna Yedula, underscores his dedication to providing sustainable water sources for the reserve’s wildlife, thus promoting their safety and well-being.

The installation of these solar-powered bore wells is a testament to Dr. Krishna Yedula’s forward-thinking approach. By strategically placing these wells across the forest range, the initiative reduces the need for wildlife to travel long distances for water. This not only ensures the animals’ safety but also supports the local Chenchu tribal community, reflecting Dr. Krishna Yedula’s holistic view of sustainability that includes both environmental and social dimensions.

Dr. Krishna Yedula’s efforts extend beyond mere installations. His strategic vision encompasses the broader impact of such initiatives on ecosystems and communities. The Amrabad Forest Reserve, located about 140 kilometers from Hyderabad and spanning 2611 square kilometers, is a vital habitat for several endemic species of flora and fauna. The bore wells not only provide a reliable water source but also help in maintaining the ecological balance of this crucial habitat.

In his post, Dr. Krishna Yedula expressed his gratitude to the Telangana Forest Department, particularly Mr. Rohith Gopidi, IFS, District Forest Officer, and his team of officials. Their support and collaboration were pivotal in the successful implementation of the project. Additionally, he acknowledged the efforts of Mayur Patnala and his team from the Nirmaan Foundation, whose partnership was instrumental in bringing this initiative to fruition.

Dr. Krishna Yedula’s leadership in this project reflects his broader philosophy of integrating sustainability into all aspects of facilities management. Under his guidance, Virtusa has embraced a comprehensive approach to sustainability, incorporating renewable energy solutions, waste management, and water conservation into their operations. His work exemplifies how corporate entities can play a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges while supporting local communities.

One of the remarkable aspects of Dr. Krishna Yedula’s approach is his ability to see the interconnectedness of various elements within the ecosystem. By focusing on sustainable water solutions, he is not only addressing an immediate need but also contributing to the long-term health and stability of the environment. This holistic perspective is a hallmark of his leadership style, ensuring that Virtusa’s sustainability initiatives are impactful and far-reaching.

Dr. Krishna Yedula’s contributions extend beyond the confines of his professional responsibilities. He is an advocate for environmental education and awareness, frequently engaging with stakeholders to promote sustainable practices. His involvement in community outreach programs and environmental campaigns underscores his belief that true sustainability can only be achieved through collective effort and shared responsibility.

As Vice President and Pan India Head of Facilities & Sustainability, Dr. Krishna Yedula has set a high standard for environmental stewardship within the corporate sector. His innovative solutions and commitment to sustainability have positioned Virtusa as a leader in corporate environmental responsibility. His work serves as an inspiration to others, demonstrating that with vision, dedication, and collaboration, significant strides can be made towards a more sustainable future.

Dr. Krishna Yedula’s journey is a testament to the power of visionary leadership in driving positive change. His unwavering commitment to sustainability, combined with his strategic acumen and collaborative spirit, has resulted in tangible benefits for the environment and local communities. As he continues to lead Virtusa’s sustainability efforts, there is no doubt that his influence will continue to inspire and guide future generations of environmental leaders.

Dr. Krishna Yedula’s recent initiative at the Amrabad Forest Reserve is just one example of his impactful work in the field of sustainability. His leadership at Virtusa, marked by innovative solutions and a deep commitment to environmental and social responsibility, sets a benchmark for others to follow. Through his efforts, Dr. Krishna Yedula is not only making a difference today but also paving the way for a more sustainable tomorrow.


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