Dr Kurmanath K V: Championing Millets for Sustainable Farming


Dr Kurmanath K V, Senior Deputy Editor at The Hindu Business Line and a distinguished Ph.D. holder in Journalism, has been a stalwart in the realm of agricultural journalism for over two and a half decades. With a passion for exploring the intricate journey of millets from farm to table, Dr Kurmanath K V recently embarked on a transformative journey to Anantapur, Andhra Pradesh, delving deeper into the world of millets and the resilient spirit of local farmers.

As Dr Kurmanath K V delved into the heart of Anantapur, he found himself immersed in a Millet Festival organized by 18 NGOs dedicated to supporting small farmers in the region. Once hailed as the capital of millets, Anantapur had transitioned into a groundnut hub, relegating millets to the background. However, the tide was turning as farmers sought to reclaim their agricultural heritage in the face of adversity.

Engaging with local farmers and organizers, Dr Kurmanath K V was invited to share insights into the evolving millet scene and the path ahead. However, what unfolded during his visit left a lasting impact on him. Dr Kurmanath K V was humbled by the remarkable progress made by local farmers who heavily relied on rainfall for their agricultural endeavors. Despite facing challenges, these farmers demonstrated resilience and commitment to crafting sustainable pathways forward.

In the midst of sharing his expertise, Dr Kurmanath K V found himself on a journey of discovery, learning invaluable lessons from the very community he sought to enlighten. It was a poignant reminder of the power of listening and keeping one’s ear to the ground, for it is in these moments of connection that incredible stories of perseverance and innovation emerge.

Dr Kurmanath K V’s experience in Anantapur serves as a testament to the transformative potential of agricultural journalism. Beyond merely reporting on agricultural practices, Dr Kurmanath K V embodies a commitment to understanding the intricate nuances of farming communities and amplifying their voices on a broader platform. His dedication to shedding light on the challenges and triumphs of local farmers is a beacon of hope in an increasingly complex agricultural landscape.

As a Senior Deputy Editor at The Hindu Business Line, Dr Kurmanath K V continues to advocate for sustainable farming practices and elevate the discourse surrounding agriculture in India. Through his articles and journalistic endeavors, he sheds light on the untold stories of resilience, innovation, and community empowerment within the agricultural sector.

Dr Kurmanath K V’s journey to Anantapur exemplifies the power of journalism to effect positive change and amplify the voices of those at the grassroots level. His commitment to championing millets for sustainable farming underscores the vital role of agricultural journalism in shaping a more inclusive and resilient agricultural ecosystem. As Dr Kurmanath K V continues his journalistic pursuits, he remains a steadfast advocate for the farmers and communities whose stories deserve to be heard and celebrated on a national and global scale.


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