Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar: Championing Education and Child Rights


Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar, a distinguished Consultant Educational Psychologist and Orator, recently shared a pivotal update on her LinkedIn profile. The post sheds light on her involvement in a significant initiative—the National Commission team’s State level review and consultation meeting in Chennai. The focus was on collaboration with the Departments of School Education and Labour in Tamil Nadu to address the critical issue of school dropouts and the re-engagement of out-of-school children. Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar, who also serves as the President of Voxdemy, a former Member of the TN State Child Rights Commission, an Independent Expert for the Government of India, and an Advisor for AIAASC, is at the forefront of efforts to safeguard the educational rights of children.

In the bustling city of Chennai, Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar played a pivotal role in hosting the National Commission team for a State-level review and consultation meeting. The focus of this crucial gathering was to tackle the pervasive issue of school dropouts and devise strategies for re-engaging out-of-school children in Tamil Nadu. Facilitated by the National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR), this initiative underscores the commitment of Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar towards promoting education and ensuring the protection of children’s rights.

As a Consultant Educational Psychologist, Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar brings a wealth of expertise to the table. Her extensive experience in understanding the psychological dynamics of learning and development equips her with unique insights into the challenges faced by students, especially those on the fringes of the education system. The multifaceted nature of her roles, including being the President of Voxdemy, further underscores her dedication to fostering a positive learning environment for children.

The involvement of Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar with the National Commission team exemplifies her commitment to being an advocate for change at both the state and national levels. Her position as a former Member of the TN State Child Rights Commission and an Independent Expert for the Government of India positions her as a trusted authority in matters related to child welfare. The meeting in Chennai, aimed at preventing school dropouts and re-engaging out-of-school children, reflects a proactive approach to addressing issues at their roots.

The significance of the State-level review and consultation meeting cannot be overstated, and Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s presence as an Educational Psychologist adds a nuanced dimension to the discussions. Education is not merely an institutional process; it is a complex interplay of psychological, social, and economic factors. Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s expertise allows for a comprehensive understanding of the challenges faced by children in the educational system and facilitates the development of targeted interventions to address these issues.

In her LinkedIn post, Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar emphasizes the collaboration with the Departments of School Education and Labour—a testament to the interdisciplinary nature of the approach towards preventing school dropouts. Her role as an Advisor for AIAASC adds an additional layer of strategic insight, contributing to the comprehensive nature of the initiatives being undertaken. It highlights her ability to bridge gaps and facilitate cooperation between various stakeholders involved in shaping the educational landscape.

Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s dedication to preventing school dropouts is rooted in a broader commitment to child rights. The meeting in Chennai serves as a platform for proactive dialogue and the formulation of targeted strategies to address the underlying issues leading to children disengaging from the educational system. As an Educational Psychologist, Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar understands the importance of creating an inclusive and supportive environment that caters to the diverse needs of students.

The post also underscores the timeless relevance of Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s advocacy. Her engagement in addressing the issue of school dropouts was not a one-time effort but part of a continuous commitment. By sharing her involvement in the State-level review and consultation meeting, she not only updates her community but also raises awareness about the persistent challenges in the realm of education and child rights.

Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s LinkedIn post offers a glimpse into the impactful work she is spearheading in the field of education and child rights. The State-level review and consultation meeting in Chennai exemplify her commitment to creating positive change at both the state and national levels. As a Consultant Educational Psychologist, her insights contribute to a holistic understanding of the challenges faced by children, and her multifaceted roles reflect a dedication to fostering a more inclusive and supportive educational environment. Dr. Saranya. T . Jaikumar’s tireless efforts stand as a beacon, inspiring others to join in the collective endeavor of safeguarding the educational rights of every child.


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