Dr. Thilo Schultes: Revolutionizing Workshops for Innovation


Dr. Thilo Schultes, CEO / Geschäftsführer of dry-tech New Businesses at igus GmbH, recently shared insights into an innovative approach to training that promises to transform the way colleagues collaborate and innovate. In his LinkedIn post, Dr. Thilo Schultes shines a spotlight on the Product Manager Workshop for Fast Growing Business Units—a groundbreaking initiative designed to foster collaboration, knowledge exchange, and creativity among international colleagues.

At the heart of this initiative lies a departure from traditional training methods. Instead of relying on frontal presentations, Dr. Thilo Schultes and his team have embraced an open university style format, where colleagues engage in dynamic discussions and hands-on activities to deepen their understanding of new products and develop innovative marketing strategies.

The decision to eschew traditional training methods in favor of interactive workshops reflects Dr. Thilo Schultes’s commitment to fostering a culture of collaboration and innovation within igus GmbH. By providing colleagues with the flexibility to complete online training sessions at their own pace, the workshop maximizes valuable face-to-face time for brainstorming, problem-solving, and creative ideation.

Dr. Thilo Schultes’s enthusiasm for exploring new workshop formats is palpable, underscoring his dedication to driving positive change and pushing the boundaries of traditional training approaches. As he embarks on this experimental journey, he invites his colleagues to join him in embracing innovation and exploring new ways of working together.

The international scope of igus GmbH’s products underscores the importance of effective collaboration among colleagues spread across different regions. Dr. Thilo Schultes recognizes the critical role that these colleagues play in the successful implementation of igus GmbH’s products and expresses his gratitude for their participation in the workshop.

As Dr. Thilo Schultes concludes his post, he invites his audience to share their thoughts on workshops versus presentation-based training methods. By fostering an open dialogue, he demonstrates his commitment to continuous improvement and invites his colleagues to contribute their ideas and perspectives to the ongoing evolution of igus GmbH’s training initiatives.

In essence, Dr. Thilo Schultes’s post serves as a testament to the power of innovation and collaboration in driving organizational success. By challenging conventional training methods and embracing new approaches to learning, he exemplifies the spirit of entrepreneurship and forward thinking that defines igus GmbH’s culture.

As organizations navigate an increasingly complex and dynamic business landscape, the ability to adapt and innovate becomes paramount. Dr. Thilo Schultes’s pioneering approach to training exemplifies igus GmbH’s commitment to staying ahead of the curve and empowering its employees to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Dr. Thilo Schultes’s leadership and vision are driving igus GmbH towards new heights of excellence and innovation. By embracing experimentation, collaboration, and continuous learning, he is shaping the future of work and paving the way for a brighter tomorrow.


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