Epic Group: Setting the Stage for a Bright Future with Anurag Asthana


Epic Group, a leading name in the retail apparel and fashion industry, has recently welcomed Anurag Asthana as their new Chief Operating Officer. With nearly three decades of experience in the fashion sector, Anurag brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to the Epic Group family. His appointment marks a significant milestone in the company’s journey towards continuous improvement and customer-centric operations.

Anurag Asthana’s impressive track record in setting up and managing global supply chains for renowned fashion brands and retailers underscores his ability to drive strategic initiatives and deliver tangible results. His arrival at Epic Group signals a commitment to staying ahead of industry trends and embracing innovation to better serve customers.

Aligned with Epic Group’s vision, Anurag Asthana’s primary focus is on making the company future-ready. By enhancing processes, upskilling the workforce, and leveraging technology, he aims to enhance operational agility and efficiency. This strategic approach will ensure that Epic Group remains at the forefront of the ever-evolving fashion landscape.

Furthermore, Anurag is dedicated to fostering greater integration with customers, actively contributing to their visions and goals. By understanding their needs and aspirations, Epic Group can forge stronger partnerships and deliver exceptional value to its clientele. Anurag’s customer-centric approach reflects Epic Group’s commitment to putting customers at the heart of its operations.

In line with Epic Group’s commitment to innovation and sustainability, Anurag Asthana will also focus on making the organization smarter. This involves anticipating customer needs, optimizing operations, and increasing overall value delivery. Through proactive measures and streamlined processes, Epic Group aims to enhance its sustainability efforts while delivering superior products and services.

Anurag’s passion for social work and charity resonates with Epic Group’s values of sustainability and social responsibility. His visionary leadership and commitment to quality align perfectly with the company’s ethos, driving multiple strategic initiatives towards greater operational excellence and societal impact.

The appointment of Anurag Asthana as the Chief Operating Officer heralds an exciting new chapter for Epic Group. With his expertise and leadership, the company is poised for growth and success in the dynamic fashion industry. Epic Group looks forward to embarking on this journey with Anurag at the helm, confident that his contributions will propel the company to new heights.

As Epic Group continues its pursuit of excellence, stay tuned for updates on its journey with Anurag Asthana leading the way. Follow Epic Group on social media channels to stay informed about the latest developments and initiatives as they shape the future of fashion and retail. With Anurag’s leadership, Epic Group is set to redefine the standards of excellence in the industry and create a brighter future for all stakeholders involved.


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