Record-Breaking Entries and Exciting Announcements for 42nd MADDYS 2024


MADDYS 2024 Surpasses Previous Records with Over 1015 Entries!

The Advertising Club of Madras is delighted to announce the closure of entries for MADDYS 2024, with a record-breaking total of 1015 submissions! This year has seen unprecedented participation, far exceeding our previous best of 791 entries set in 2019. We extend our heartfelt gratitude to the entire advertising community for their overwhelming support and enthusiasm.

Mr.Surej Salim

Celebrating Creativity Across India

We are proud to share that this year’s entries have come from all corners of India, including Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, West Bengal, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, Gujarat, Telangana, and New Delhi. This wide representation underscores the national significance and esteemed reputation of the 42nd MADDYS Awards.

Diverse and Esteemed Jury

Our 28-member jury panel is composed of a diverse group of industry experts, including creative visionaries, marketing leaders, media specialists, and entrepreneurs from both national and international markets. Their expertise and varied perspectives ensure a rigorous and objective judging process, celebrating the very best in advertising.

Exciting Announcements;

  1. 42nd MADDYS 2024 Gala Night: Mark your calendars for the MADDYS 2024 Gala Night on 28th June 2024 at the Madras Race Club in Chennai. This event promises to be an unforgettable evening celebrating creativity, strategy, innovation, and impact in advertising.
  2. Launch of Our MOGO: We are excited to unveil our Musical Logo (MOGO), making us the first Advertising Club in India to introduce this innovative musical element. The MOGO, created by the talented Music Director, ‘Arun Raj’, will be officially used at the Gala Night. Click here to listen to MOGO:

President’s Note
President Balasubramanian S. remarked, “I am both excited and humbled by the responsibility entrusted to us this year, with a record-breaking 1015 entries for MADDYS 2024. This overwhelming response underscores the importance and legacy of MADDYS in celebrating excellence in advertising. We’re also thrilled to launch our Musical Logo (MOGO), a first for any Advertising Club in India for its annual advertising award program, created by the talented Arun Raj. We invite everyone to join us on 28th June 2024 at the Madras Race Club for our Gala Night, where we will celebrate creativity, strategy, innovation, and the vibrant spirit of the advertising industry. Thank you to everyone who has contributed to making this event a resounding success.”

Secretary’s Note

Secretary Surej Salim remarked, “The incredible teamwork between our executive committee members and club staff has culminated in a record-breaking 1,015 entries this year. Through tireless efforts, we reached out to over 120 agencies, media houses, production houses and clients, fostering unprecedented participation and excitement. Our multi-talented jury members are eagerly anticipating the opportunity to review the diverse and creative submissions from across the country that showcases the best in advertising.


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