‘Factoids’ on Fashionforgood.live microsite evoke a consciousness and spark inspiration


Have you explored the Fashionforgood.live microsite yet?

The microsite https://fashionforgood.live , confronts readers with stark ‘Factoids’, shedding light on the detrimental effects of conventional fashion practices. From alarming carbon emissions to staggering textile waste, the toll on our planet is undeniable.

But within this narrative of degradation lies an opportunity for change. With its sleek design and unwavering dedication to advocacy, the information on this microsite serves as a global eye-opener, urging individuals to make choices that align with their values and contribute to a healthier planet. Central to the mission is also the mention of 7R’s of fashion: reduce, reuse, repurpose, repair, recycle, rent, and resell.

Furthermore, WION’s latest promo videos on LinkedIn announced a special episode airing at 2:30 PM on 3rd March, inviting viewers to delve into the theme of ‘Fashion For Good’ and become part of an impactful movement.


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