Fancy George: Redefining Hospitality in the Workplace


In a world where customer experience reigns supreme, Fancy George, CEO of Thomas Workplace, challenges us to push the boundaries of hospitality to exceed even the wildest expectations of our end users. With a passion for applying circular, UX, and universal design principles to workplace environments, Fancy George is leading the charge in creating experiential life-centered designs that prioritize the needs and comfort of every individual.

Fancy George draws inspiration from Will Guidara, a Michelin-starred chef renowned for his concept of “Unreasonable Hospitality.” In Guidara’s book of the same name, he emphasizes the power of small acts of kindness and genuine listening to customers, illustrating how these gestures can elevate a dining experience to unparalleled heights. Fancy George echoes this sentiment, emphasizing that exceptional hospitality doesn’t have to come with a hefty price tag – it’s the little gestures that leave a lasting impression.

At the recent 8th Realty+ INEX Conclave & Excellence Awards in Mumbai, Fancy George moderated panels that delved into the intricacies of hospitality and user experience in the built environment. From discussions on flex workspaces and new models to exploring UX as a crucial element in architectural design, the panels highlighted the importance of understanding and catering to the needs of end users.

One key takeaway from the event was the emphasis on listening to end user occupiers to provide them with a customized experience tailored to their unique needs. Fancy George, along with fellow panelists, stressed the importance of flexibility and adaptability in creating workspaces that prioritize user comfort and satisfaction.

Through her role as CEO of Thomas Workplace, Fancy George is committed to redefining the concept of hospitality in the workplace. By incorporating circular, UX, and universal design principles into her projects, she strives to create environments that not only meet but exceed the expectations of every individual who interacts with them.

As the founder member of WiRENet World, Fancy George is dedicated to fostering meaningful conversations and collaborations within the industry. Events like the Realty+ INEX Conclave provide platforms for professionals to come together, share insights, and drive positive change in the realm of workplace design and management.

Fancy George’s passion for creating experiential life-centered designs is evident in her work and her advocacy for listening to end users. By prioritizing the needs and comfort of individuals in the workplace, she is paving the way for a new era of hospitality – one that goes beyond mere functionality to create spaces that truly enhance the lives of those who inhabit them.

Fancy George’s approach to workplace design and hospitality serves as a beacon of inspiration for professionals across the industry. By embracing principles of inclusivity, adaptability, and genuine listening, she is redefining what it means to create spaces that prioritize the well-being and satisfaction of every individual. Through her leadership and advocacy, Fancy George is shaping the future of workplace design and management, one thoughtful gesture at a time.


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