Ganesh Balakrishnan: Embracing Resilience and Letting Go


Ganesh Balakrishnan’s journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, determination, and the wisdom of letting go. As the co-founder of Aurm, his entrepreneurial spirit is rooted in a pivotal moment of perseverance that shaped the trajectory of his life.

Reflecting on his journey, Ganesh Balakrishnan recalls a crucial turning point during his preparation for the IIT-JEE exam. A bout of chickenpox left him feeling unprepared and uncertain, leading him to consider dropping out of the exam altogether. It was his father’s unwavering support and profound wisdom that guided him through this challenging time.

In a moment of doubt and uncertainty, Ganesh approached his father with his decision to postpone the exam. However, his father’s response was unexpected yet profound. He encouraged Ganesh to trust in the preparation he had undertaken over the past two years and to let go of the pressure to succeed. This pivotal advice resonated deeply with Ganesh and served as a guiding principle throughout his journey.

Ganesh’s father’s words, “your duty is to do your best with the things you can control, and let go of the things you cannot control,” became a mantra that shaped Ganesh’s approach to challenges and opportunities alike. It instilled in him a sense of resilience and a belief in the power of focusing on what is within his control, rather than dwelling on external factors.

With renewed determination and a newfound sense of clarity, Ganesh decided to proceed with the exam. He embraced his father’s advice to shut out internal noise, release the burden of expectations, and focus on giving his best effort. This shift in perspective proved to be pivotal, leading Ganesh to excel in the exam and secure admission to IIT Bombay in his very first attempt.

Looking back on this defining moment, Ganesh identifies key factors that contributed to his success. Firstly, the release of self-imposed pressure by his father allowed Ganesh to approach the exam with a sense of freedom and authenticity. Secondly, his decision to embrace the present moment and give his best effort without attachment to the outcome enabled him to perform at his peak. Lastly, Ganesh attributes his success to the relentless consistency he maintained throughout his preparation, highlighting the importance of perseverance and dedication.

Ganesh’s journey serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of resilience, determination, and the wisdom of letting go. It underscores the transformative impact of embracing challenges with courage and adopting a mindset focused on growth and self-improvement.

In navigating the complexities of life and entrepreneurship, Ganesh continues to draw upon the lessons learned from this pivotal experience. His journey is a testament to the power of resilience, the value of parental guidance, and the profound impact of embracing challenges with courage and conviction.

As Ganesh Balakrishnan embraces new opportunities and navigates the ever-evolving landscape of entrepreneurship, he carries with him the invaluable lessons learned from his father’s wisdom. His journey is a testament to the transformative power of resilience, determination, and the profound wisdom of letting go.


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