Gatik Chaujer: The Power of Focusing on Your Own Race

Gatik Chaujer: The Power of Focusing on Your Own Race

Gatik Chaujer, Co-Founder of TransforMe and an entrepreneur on a mission to transform organizations, has learned many valuable lessons throughout his career. One of the most profound was the realization that comparing himself to others was not only counterproductive but also detrimental to his own progress. In a candid LinkedIn post, Gatik Chaujer shared his personal journey of overcoming jealousy and learning to focus on his own growth—a lesson that has shaped both his personal and professional life.

In 2018, Gatik Chaujer found himself in a place many of us have been: stuck in a loop of comparison and frustration. There was a coworker who seemed to be excelling at work, achieving success with ease while Gatik Chaujer felt left behind. He described the feeling as “major FOMO”—the fear of missing out. Each day, he went home feeling upset, with one thought dominating his mind: *‘How do I outdo him?’* This desire to surpass his coworker only deepened his frustration, and the harder he tried, the worse he felt.

The result, as Gatik Chaujer openly admits, was that he lost sight of what really mattered. His focus shifted away from his own goals and priorities, and soon his performance began to decline. Instead of working towards personal growth, he found himself doing the bare minimum just to get by. This unhealthy cycle of comparison and dissatisfaction was taking a toll on both his mental well-being and his professional success.

But one day, Gatik Chaujer had a revelation that changed everything. “What if I stopped looking at my coworker’s lane and focused on my own race?” he asked himself. This simple shift in perspective made all the difference. By choosing to focus on his own progress rather than someone else’s achievements, Gatik Chaujer began to improve at his work. It wasn’t about outdoing anyone else—it was about becoming better than he was yesterday.

This lesson paid off again recently when Gatik Chaujer and his business partner embarked on a health journey together. Initially, he noticed that his partner was achieving better results than he was, and those old feelings of comparison started to surface once again. However, this time, Gatik Chaujer knew how to handle it. Instead of falling into the same trap of jealousy and frustration, he chose to focus on his own progress. He reminded himself of the valuable lesson he had learned: It’s not me versus them; it’s me versus who I was yesterday.

Gatik Chaujer’s journey offers an important takeaway for anyone struggling with feelings of comparison. He emphasizes the importance of pausing and reflecting when those emotions start to bubble up. Rather than letting jealousy take over, he advises looking for the lessons in other people’s successes. What can you learn from their actions that can help you grow and improve? By shifting your mindset in this way, you can transform those feelings of envy into inspiration, using them to fuel your own personal and professional development.

The wisdom that Gatik Chaujer shares is rooted in a deep understanding of human nature. It’s easy to fall into the comparison trap, especially in today’s world where we are constantly bombarded with other people’s achievements on social media and in the workplace. But as Gatik Chaujer has discovered, true success comes from staying in your own lane and focusing on your own race.

In business, this mindset shift is especially important. Gatik Chaujer, as Co-Founder of TransforMe, understands that the journey of entrepreneurship is filled with highs and lows, successes and setbacks. There will always be others who seem to be moving faster or achieving more, but constantly comparing yourself to them will only hinder your progress. Gatik Chaujer’s approach—focusing on self-improvement and personal growth—is not only healthier but also more effective in the long run.

The lesson that Gatik Chaujer learned through his own experiences is one that applies to all areas of life, not just business. Whether it’s in your career, personal development, or even health, the key to success lies in focusing on your own journey. Gatik Chaujer’s story serves as a reminder that growth is not a competition with others; it’s a competition with yourself. Each day is an opportunity to be better than you were yesterday, and that’s the only race that truly matters.

For Gatik Chaujer, this mindset has been transformative. By letting go of the need to outdo others and instead concentrating on his own progress, he has not only improved his performance but also found greater fulfillment in his work. As an entrepreneur, this shift has allowed him to lead with clarity and focus, helping TransforMe grow into a successful organization dedicated to transforming other businesses.

Ultimately, Gatik Chaujer’s message is one of empowerment. It’s about recognizing that we all have our own unique paths to success, and that the best way to reach our goals is to stay focused on our own journey. By learning to silence the noise of comparison and trust in our own process, we can achieve far more than we ever could by trying to keep up with others.

Gatik Chaujer’s story is a powerful reminder that the most important competition is with yourself. Whether you’re an entrepreneur like Gatik Chaujer, a professional in any field, or someone striving for personal growth, the lesson remains the same: focus on your own race. When you stop comparing yourself to others and start working on becoming the best version of yourself, that’s when real transformation happens.

As Gatik Chaujer wisely puts it: *“It’s never me versus them. It’s me versus who I was yesterday.”* This simple but profound realization has the power to change not only how you approach your work but also how you approach life.


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