Good News for Telugu TV Channels, No Need BARC Rating Manipulation

BARC India
BARC India

This Covid-19 Pandemic time teaches so many lessons to every one. Also, So many Private organization learn so much of things.

Especially in Television media top channels are some curious on rating manipulation. The Manipulators also feeding to television management, if not do manipulate channel rating it must be down also impact on national ads and regional revenue. This game is on so many years. Majorly TV channel distributors are involving this kind activities.

But in this pandemic time there is no chance to manipulate tv ratings due to lockdown effect. Without manipulating the channel ratings got decently with their own content. So most of the channels avoiding in next few months and focusing their content strengthen. Top rated Telugu TV channels and prime time serial producers also away from this prepaid ratings.

Not only Telugu TV Channels, in South India Television major networks has been applying same formula.

Fact BARC Rating Manipulate:

Really it’s not worthy for TV rating increasing, it is also offense. Most of the Agents doing this business only for many purposes from TV Management. They are not giving productive results as well as it’s not possible due to strict monitoring by BARC India.

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