Gustave Moot: Pioneering Innovation in Clinical Seating & Positioning

Gustave Moot

Gustave Moot, the esteemed Director of European Sales and Head of Bodypoint’s legal entity in Europe, Bodypoint B.V., recently took to LinkedIn to share a deeply personal and exciting announcement with his network. In a heartfelt post that resonated with authenticity and pride, Gustave Moot shared the news of his wife Rhona Moot’s entrepreneurial venture—Seatsense—an endeavor dedicated to educating individuals within the mobility industry on the critical importance of seating and positioning in mobility products.

“With great excitement, I am thrilled to announce the launch of Seatsense, a passion project close to my heart,” Gustave Moot began, expressing his profound admiration and support for his wife’s remarkable initiative.

Drawing upon her extensive experience in clinical seating and positioning spanning over 15 years, Rhona Moot aims to fill a crucial gap in the industry by offering tailored training and education programs, conducting independent end-user seating assessments, and providing manufacturers with invaluable clinical input for product development.

At the core of Seatsense’s mission lies a commitment to making sense of seating—an endeavor to empower individuals within the complex world of clinical rehabilitation technology (CRT) with the knowledge and expertise needed to enhance the lives of those reliant on mobility aids.

Through her dedication and passion for the field, Rhona Moot aspires to be a driving force for positive change and innovation, championing best practices and raising awareness of the transformative impact of proper seating and positioning.

Gustave Moot expressed his pride and confidence in his wife’s ability to make a meaningful difference within the CRT community, recognizing her as a beacon of inspiration and a catalyst for positive change.

With her unwavering commitment to excellence and her dedication to advancing the field of clinical seating and positioning, Rhona Moot is poised to become a trusted ally and resource for individuals and organizations seeking to optimize mobility solutions for those in need.

As Gustave Moot extends his warmest welcome to Rhona Moot and wishes her success in her new venture, he invites his network to join him in celebrating her courage, passion, and vision. Together, they embody the spirit of innovation and entrepreneurship, serving as shining examples of individuals who dare to dream and strive to make a difference in the world.

Gustave Moot’s announcement of Rhona Moot’s entrepreneurial venture, Seatsense, serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of passion, expertise, and innovation. Through her dedication to advancing the field of clinical seating and positioning, Rhona Moot is poised to make a lasting impact on the lives of individuals within the CRT community, enriching their quality of life and empowering them to live with dignity and independence.

So here’s to Gustave Moot and Rhona Moot—two visionaries united by a shared commitment to excellence and a shared belief in the power of innovation to drive positive change.


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