Hadi Azeez: The Power of Founder-Led Sales in Building Heffl


Hadi Azeez, the driving force behind Heffl, a company dedicated to helping businesses run their offices more efficiently, has a unique approach to building and growing his startup. As the founder, Hadi Azeez understands the challenges and opportunities that come with leading a business from the ground up. His journey with Heffl has been marked by a hands-on approach to sales, a deep understanding of his product, and a willingness to take calculated risks. Through his experiences, Hadi Azeez has come to appreciate the crucial role that founder-led sales play in the early stages of a startup.

Hadi Azeez firmly believes that in the early days of a startup, the founder’s involvement in sales is not just beneficial but essential. When Hadi Azeez meets with clients, he doesn’t just see it as a transaction; he views it as an opportunity to connect, build relationships, and show appreciation. His habit of asking for a selfie or a photo with clients after meetings is a small but significant gesture that reflects his gratitude for the chance to work with them. This personal touch is part of what makes Hadi Azeez’s approach to sales so effective.

In the world of startups, sales is often seen as a skill that can be learned and delegated. However, Hadi Azeez knows that what truly sets founder-led sales apart is the deep knowledge of the domain and the product that only the founder can bring. Hadi Azeez’s intimate understanding of Heffl and its capabilities has been a key factor in every sale he’s made. He knows that no hired sales executive could have conveyed the same level of passion and expertise. For Hadi Azeez, these meetings are not about bluffing or trying to impress; they are about showcasing the product in its truest form.

One of the most striking aspects of Hadi Azeez’s sales strategy is his willingness to take risks. In some of his sales meetings, Hadi Azeez found himself committing to features that weren’t yet part of Heffl’s product. Committing to 60% of features that weren’t in the product yet might seem risky, but for Hadi Azeez, it was a calculated move. He understood that in the fast-paced world of startups, being flexible and responsive to client needs can make all the difference. This ability to take risks and make bold commitments has been instrumental in Heffl’s growth.

The lesson that Hadi Azeez shares from his journey is one that resonates with many startup founders: transform yourself into a salesperson and embrace the unscalable processes in the beginning. In the early stages of a startup, it’s not about building scalable systems right away. Instead, it’s about getting your hands dirty, understanding your clients’ needs, and being directly involved in the sales process. For Hadi Azeez, this hands-on approach has been crucial in building Heffl and establishing a strong foundation for future growth.

Hadi Azeez’s story is a powerful reminder that in the early days of a startup, the founder’s involvement in sales can be a game-changer. It’s not just about making a sale; it’s about building relationships, understanding the product inside out, and being willing to take risks to meet client needs. By embracing these unscalable processes, Hadi Azeez has laid the groundwork for Heffl’s success. As the company grows, he knows that frameworks and scalable sales processes can be built later, but the foundation of personal connection and deep product knowledge will always remain.

Hadi Azeez’s approach to founder-led sales is a testament to the power of being directly involved in every aspect of your business. His willingness to step into the role of salesperson, even when it meant taking on tasks that weren’t initially part of his plan, has been key to Heffl’s early success. By understanding his product and his clients’ needs on a deep level, Hadi Azeez has been able to make sales that no one else could have made.

As Hadi Azeez continues to build Heffl, his experiences offer valuable insights for other startup founders. The importance of founder-led sales, the willingness to take risks, and the value of deep product knowledge are lessons that can be applied to any industry. Hadi Azeez’s journey shows that the path to success in a startup is often unscalable at first, but by embracing these challenges and being directly involved in the sales process, founders can set their companies on a path to sustainable growth.

Hadi Azeez’s journey with Heffl is a powerful example of the impact that founder-led sales can have on a startup’s success. His deep understanding of the product, his willingness to take risks, and his personal approach to building client relationships have been key to Heffl’s early achievements. As Hadi Azeez continues to grow his company, his story serves as an inspiration to other founders who are navigating the challenges of building a startup. By embracing the unscalable and staying closely connected to the sales process, Hadi Azeez has laid the foundation for a bright future for Heffl.


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