Harsh Pokharna: Navigating Growth and Strategy at OkCredit


Harsh Pokharna, the CEO of OkCredit, is no stranger to the complexities and challenges of scaling a startup in a diverse market like India. When Harsh Pokharna and his team embarked on the journey to expand OkCredit’s reach by launching the app in 14 Indian languages, they did so with the vision of accelerating growth and making their platform accessible to a broader audience. However, as Harsh Pokharna soon discovered, the path to growth is often more intricate than it initially seems.

Harsh Pokharna’s decision to introduce OkCredit in multiple regional languages was driven by a common belief in the startup ecosystem: “If you want to scale, go vernacular.” This idea, widely accepted and echoed in the business community, suggested that incorporating regional languages would tap into new user bases and foster rapid growth. Harsh Pokharna and his team embraced this strategy, launching the app in languages like Tamil, Marathi, and others, alongside English and Hindi.

However, as Harsh Pokharna reflected on the journey, it became clear that this approach, while well-intentioned, came with significant challenges. The expansion into multiple languages demanded substantial resources, from hiring teams for translation and customer support to adapting marketing strategies for each language. Harsh Pokharna realized that the costs associated with this linguistic diversity were substantial, and the expected growth did not materialize as anticipated.

For Harsh Pokharna, the turning point came when he recognized that the majority of OkCredit’s users were primarily using the app in English or Hindi. In fact, 95% of their user base preferred these two languages. This insight led Harsh Pokharna to question the value of maintaining support for the additional 12 languages, especially when the returns did not justify the investment. It was a difficult decision, but Harsh Pokharna chose to streamline the app’s language offerings, retaining only English and Hindi.

Harsh Pokharna’s experience offers valuable lessons for entrepreneurs and business leaders. One of the key takeaways from Harsh Pokharna’s journey is the importance of aligning growth strategies with the realities of the market. While the idea of going vernacular may work for certain sectors, such as entertainment, where regional content is highly valued, it may not be as effective for other industries. Harsh Pokharna’s decision to scale back the language offerings of OkCredit highlights the need for startups to be flexible and willing to adapt their strategies based on what truly drives value for their users.

Another significant insight from Harsh Pokharna’s experience is the importance of focusing on monetizable users. By narrowing down the language options to those most widely used by their target audience, Harsh Pokharna and his team could concentrate their efforts on attracting and retaining customers who were more likely to contribute to the company’s revenue growth. This shift in focus allowed OkCredit to optimize its resources and improve the efficiency of its operations.

Harsh Pokharna’s journey also underscores the importance of strategic decision-making in the face of growth challenges. For Harsh Pokharna, the decision to shut down OkCredit in 12 languages was not just about cutting costs; it was about making a strategic choice that would position the company for sustainable growth in the long term. By doing so, Harsh Pokharna demonstrated a willingness to pivot and make difficult decisions that ultimately serve the best interests of the company.

As Harsh Pokharna continues to lead OkCredit, his experience with the language expansion and subsequent consolidation serves as a testament to the complexities of scaling a startup in a diverse and rapidly evolving market. Harsh Pokharna’s ability to navigate these challenges and make tough decisions reflects his deep understanding of the market dynamics and his commitment to the company’s success.

Looking ahead, Harsh Pokharna’s approach to growth and strategy will likely continue to evolve as OkCredit faces new challenges and opportunities. His journey reminds us that in the world of startups, growth is not just about expanding reach but also about making informed, strategic choices that align with the company’s core objectives and market realities. Harsh Pokharna’s story is one of resilience, adaptability, and the constant pursuit of growth in a way that is sustainable and meaningful.

Harsh Pokharna’s experience with OkCredit provides invaluable insights into the complexities of scaling a startup in a diverse market like India. By focusing on what truly drives value for their users and being willing to adapt their strategies, Harsh Pokharna and his team have set OkCredit on a path toward sustainable growth. As Harsh Pokharna continues to lead the company into the future, his journey serves as an inspiration for entrepreneurs and business leaders alike, reminding us that true growth comes from making informed, strategic decisions that align with the realities of the market.


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