Incorporation of Online Ads and Online Gaming into the Jurisdiction of the I&B Ministry.

Incorporation of Online Ads and Online Gaming into the Jurisdiction of the I&B Ministry.

The government has notified changes in the Second Schedule of the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, under the heading Ministry of Information and Broadcasting i.e, I&B Ministry.

Online gaming content and advertising have been brought under the purview of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting i.e, I&B Ministry, according to a government notification.

The government has notified changes in the Second Schedule of the Government of India (Allocation of Business) Rules, 1961, under the heading Ministry of Information i.e, I&B Ministry and Broadcasting.

As per the notification, the word “content” is added in addition to “programmes” and “publishers” in addition to “providers” to entry 22A.

The entry 22A earlier read as “Films and Audio-Visual programmes made available by online content providers.”

It now reads as “Films and Audio-Visual programmes/content made available by online content providers/publishers.”

Along with the above, after entry 22B (News and Current Affairs Content on online platforms), a new entry of 22C is added, which is “online advertisements”.

As per the Cabinet Secretariat notification, “These rules may be called the Government of India (Allocation of Business) (Three Hundred and Seventy-second Amendment) Rules, 2023 and shall come into force at once.”

“This will lead to coverage of online gaming content and online advertising. This covers all online advertising. We can amend the Information Technology Rules now,” an official said.


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